41 Perfectly Planned Weddings That Went Wrong And Turned Into Hilarious Horror

"A squirrel started eating the cake before the wedding even started."

  • Published in Funny
41 Perfectly Planned Weddings That Went Wrong And Turned Into Hilarious Horror

When it comes to weddings, everyone wants that day to be the most special one. It is important that everything goes according to plan and be just perfect.

It's a memorable moment when you and your partner vow that you'll look out for each other and stay together no matter what life throws at you. "In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health," so it is a big day, a day when you start a whole new chapter of your life.

That day is fully focused on you and your partner, your love, and your future life. Usually, people start to make plans for their wedding months before.

For there is so much to do, prearranging, finding the perfect venue, dress, decorations, etc. And that are no things that can be finished overnight. 

It takes a lot of energy, time, and patience, to make your dreams come true and have the perfect wedding you have always wanted. However, there is always a possibility that something could go wrong.

A Reddit user who goes by the name u/veryverygeneric asked other users, "What was the worst thing that happened at your wedding?". And many of them wrote hilarious and spicy stories, which they will likely never forget.

1. Cricket attack

"Mine’s actually funny! I would say it was the “worst” thing that happened but it really wasn’t that bad.

We got married in a big open field under an apple tree. My uncle walked me down the aisle and we started from pretty far away, so there was a lot of open field before coming to the aisle and where the seats were.

We start walking and I suddenly realize that there are crickets. EVERYWHERE in the grass.

And the motion of my skirt on the grass is making them jump right onto/into it. I had several layers of English net and so I had some in between the layers crawling up toward my bodice.

Thankfully I had a waist seam so they couldn’t get past that point. I had probably close to twenty in my train and ended up with one in my hair as well.

My uncle and I were trying not to crack up. He just kept saying “just keep waking, it’s FINE” as I was shaking my skirt trying to walk at the same time.

My bridesmaids spent a few minutes getting the crickets out of my skirt once we got down the aisle and everyone was laughing including me and my husband. They say crickets are good luck, so that’s a plus!

Married two years this August."

1. Cricket attackreddit

2. Oh boy, you should read all these terrifying things:

"Oh boy. Had a small wedding in the Colorado Rockies.

This one couple did all of the below:

-brought their 7-month-old without asking;

-drove from Texas and expected to stay with us in our home at Denver before traveling to the mountains (Estes park, about 1.5 hours away);

-they did stay with us (husband is too nice). They criticized our house (too small, walls paper thin);

- thought they could do the wedding in a day trip from our house, did not buy hotel room. My parents had an extra one that the guys were getting ready in and gave them it. Stanley hotel, $800. They didn’t offer to pay or say thanks they actually asked my dad for his credit card for incidentals;

- woman wore white to the wedding;

- man forgot to buy a groomsman vest. Had to go to mall day before wedding to improvise;

-baby cried during service and wedding coordinator had to escort them out;

- rented a cabin for the weekend for the wedding party. Lots of partying and drinking. They brought the baby without asking us and then got mad/ turned off lights when we were too loud (we paid for it btw, about 400$ per person);

-man kept knocking on our door ON OUR WEDDING NIGHT as we were having sex asking if we saw his keys;

- they didn’t buy us a gift.

Oh. And I found out later that the man’s mom offered to fly to colorado from Texas to babysit the baby while they were at the wedding/ cabin and they declined."

2. Oh boy, you should read all these terrifying things:reddit

3. Her sister took over her wedding day... And a cabin for the wedding night

"My sister took my wedding cabin because she refused to stay at my house with the other guests, and then announced her pregnancy at my wedding.... 12 years later and my husband is still bitter about it."

3. Her sister took over her wedding day... And a cabin for the wedding nightreddit

4. Her son got in a car wreck

"My son (the ring bearer) and his dad got in a wreck on the way to the venue. NOT what I wanted to hear as I was getting 33575789 hairpins installed for my fancy updo!

The stylist overheard that conversation and brought me some wine. Kid and Dad were fine, other drivers were fine, they were only a little late, and everything else went off without a hitch.

But DAMN. "Your son got in a car wreck" completely snapped me back to reality. The wedding is just fluff; family and marriage are serious commitments that are worth making and keeping."

4. Her son got in a car wreckreddit

5. "A squirrel started eating the cake before the wedding even started."

5. reddit

6. It was the worst mistake of her life

"Besides the part where I was still a child? I had previously discussed how demeaning I found the cake smash.

Groom agreed with me. Then did it anyway.

I spent part of the reception in the bathroom crying and certain I'd just made the worst mistake of my life. I was right.

He nearly f*****g killed me."

6. It was the worst mistake of her lifereddit

7. A lot of things went wrong:

7. A lot of things went wrong:reddit

8. "Realizing I don't love him as we danced our first dance."

8. reddit

9. The caterer ruined her wedding and caused her anaphylactic shock

9. The caterer ruined her wedding and caused her anaphylactic shockreddit

10. Her cousin took her the last pieces of cheesecake

"We had a HUGE Italian style dessert bar served after the cake. I was to busy dancing, talking and having fun to make it over to the desserts.

My mom asked if I wanted anything and she would make a to go box. I say yes, cheesecake.

That's all, just cheesecake (it's my fav). Shortly after, my mom tells me it's all gone.

My cousin comes to tell me goodbye, holding a desert box. We chat, tells me how much fun she had, how great the food and desert was.

Then says "the cheesecake was amazing, you should get some!" She opens the box to show me, 4 slices of cheesecake, along with a ton of other desserts.

I asked her if I could please have just 1 slice. She said "no, it's mine, should have gotten to it quicker!"

I begged her and explained its my favorite desert. She still said no and promptly left."

10. Her cousin took her the last pieces of cheesecakereddit

1. The bride’s grandfather died right before the ceremony.

"Not my wedding…but I officiated a wedding where the bride’s grandfather died in the bathroom minutes before the ceremony was supposed to start.

Ended up doing chest compressions until EMS arrived and then rolled up to officiate and tell my silly little jokes while the family actively repressed their emotions - *because they did not tell the bride*."

1. The bride’s grandfather died right before the ceremony.reddit

12. "No body showed up at my wedding"

"Me and my husband invited over 50 people and a lot of them said they would be there.

Beside the party and family only 3 friends showed up and everyone left right after the cake was cut."

12. reddit

13. Found out he cheated

"Getting married hours after I found out that he’d slept with other women because at that point I felt like… I mean, what do I do?

(Not get married is the correct answer but I did)"

13. Found out he cheatedreddit

14. Her mom broke her foot

14. Her mom broke her footreddit

15. Her husband was a ballroom dancer and wanted to show his skills despite she couldn't keep up with him.

15. Her husband was a ballroom dancer and wanted to show his skills despite she couldn't keep up with him.reddit

16. Her mom made her a scene.

16. Her mom made her a scene.reddit

17. Bees got under her wedding dress, and the rest is hilarious

"Two bees flew up into my wedding gown as my Dad, myself and my attendants walked across the grounds of the venue to the ceremony area. I screamed and immediately began pulling up the bottom of my dress as the bees stung me, one on my butt and the other in a more delicate area. 

So there I was with the bottom of my dress pulled up over my head, with my Dad and attendants furiously looking for the culprits. To my horror, I realized the 3 photographers which were snapping photo’s as we walked kept taking pictures, although one did lay his camera down to try and help, which wasn’t great either.

Everything got sorted, but I walked down the aisle and got married with half my butt and that other area burning and hurting. I sat on ice packs between dances at the reception.

Sure enough when we got our wedding photo’s back for review, there were 5 photo’s of the whole wild scenario."

17. Bees got under her wedding dress, and the rest is hilariousreddit

18. There were so many bad things:

"I forgot to pack my cathedral length veil (venue was destination), I forgot to carry my bouquet, there was an earthquake the morning of, my in laws watched a football game on their phones during the service, and left before the reception. The reception was cancelled because the entire staff of the restaurant we rented out had strep throat.

My MOH announced her engagement at my wedding, the best man tried to sleep with a bridesmaid and when turned down, put a hammock between two trees and slept outside. Think this is all bad?

Wait for the worst part of the day. I got married."

18. There were so many bad things:reddit

19. "You don't belong here"

19. reddit

20. The terrible pastor

"We asked the pastor from my husband's childhood church to officiate. Very old school conservative.

We discussed with him what we wanted him to talk about during the ceremony, marriage being hard work, treat love as a verb, that kind of thing. What he ended up doing was speeding through the passage I wanted read, then talked for 15 minutes about how marriage is for only men and women, how we are made this way and how hormones play a part.

I should add that my father-in-law, who walked me down the aisle, is gay. Well known fact.

The preacher's speech at my wedding was basically condemnation for my father in law. He was able to laugh it off, but I am still mad about it to this day.

We call it the hormone speech, the one black spot on what was otherwise a perfect day."

20. The terrible pastorreddit

21. "But a wedding is just a party, it's the marriage that is important."

21. reddit

22. Her husband's father's new wife

"My husband's father's (who my husband was not close with) new wife who we both had met once showed up in the exact same dress as my bridesmaids. The 1 conversation I had with her I told her what they were wearing so it was very intentional.

She also showed up with my husband's mom's fur coat on top of it. And then tried to walk in with the wedding party.

I swore she was going to get jumped by my grandmother in law."

22. Her husband's father's new wifereddit

23. "My husband's mistress was there (I obviously had no idea about this until after we were married)."

23. reddit

24. Her mom is a great seamstress but didn't want to make her a wedding dress

24. Her mom is a great seamstress but didn't want to make her a wedding dressreddit

25. The MIL

"MIL shared the news before we could. We eloped, and didn't tell anyone until 30 mins before.

We only told immediate family right before, with very clear directions not to share with anyone yet. We got married in the evening, turned our phones off, and in the morning woke up to messages from all of the inlaws (aunts/uncles and cousins).

We had originally planned to do a social post within a couple days, but because she shared our news, we opted not to at all. My family waited until I gave the go ahead to share it with others (to the point my little sister told me that my dad was having a really hard time not sharing it with his brother/my uncle, but he knew it wasn't his news to share, so he didn't).

At least we know who gets any other big news last now."

25. The MILreddit

26. Her mom got drunk and passed out

"My time has come! My mom got black out drunk and passed out in the bathroom.

My boss had to carry her out. I mentioned it to her a few weeks later, and she had no idea that had happened.

Still hasn't apologized for it."

26. Her mom got drunk and passed outreddit

27. The grandma

27. The grandmareddit

28. "My husbands step mother put on a ball gown for the ceremony (that we had on the beach) and then changed into a skin tight white outfit with Diamond embellishments for the reception."

28. reddit

29. She overdid it

"My Mother In Law wanted to see my wedding lingerie to make sure she approved of it. It was one of my first times with her and I was trying to please her to get in her good graces.

It was all about control."

29. She overdid itreddit

30. It was her

30. It was herreddit

31. The mother in law

"My mother-in-law got ten kinds of sh**ty drunk and made scenes all day and night. This included crying every single minute of the day (she looks like someone died in all the pics), standing on a chair to dance, cornering my sister to yell at her for absolutely no reason, stole almost all the centerpieces (which belonged to the venue) and calling our hotel room at 3 am because my husband’s friends wouldn’t let his 16-year-old sister into their hotel room party.

Basically, my mother-in-law was the worst part of our wedding."

31. The mother in lawreddit

32. That's why he's an ex now

"My now ex-husband threw me into a painting and onto the ground during our first dance. Should have known it was a sign of things to come."

32. That's why he's an ex nowreddit

33. "Our photographers were a husband and wife team and loudly fought the whole day. Super awkward."

33. reddit

34. Haha, a lot of things:

34. Haha, a lot of things:reddit

35. Bad things had started a week before the wedding

35. Bad things had started a week before the weddingreddit

36. "I got stung by a bee on my ring finger 1 hour before the ceremony."

36. reddit

37. "My photographer got drunk and stoned. "

"All our wedding photos are orange and blurry so we made our photo album courtesy with the photos from a good friend who had a good camera and great skills!"

37. reddit

38. What a disaster

38. What a disasterreddit

39. "A friend showed up in a white jumpsuit"

"The DJ's mics didn't work during the ceremony, she played the wrong song for our first dance, and her reception playlist included no danceable music (there was even Blink 182). The caterer refused to put wine bottles on the tables as agreed but put all the stemware there so guests had to bring their glasses to the bar.

Our photographer's ideas of "casual and candid shots of our guests having fun" was zooming in on one person's face in a group of 5+ with everyone else's head shown from the back and blurred out. Every photo looked like this.

Only our posed wedding party shots were usable."

39. reddit

40. Brother's love

40. Brother's lovereddit

41. Her mother broke her shoulder

"We had a little gathering in my yard for my wedding. My friends were hanging out and we were having pizza by our fire pit when my mother came out to pick up some leftover stuff.

She tripped in the dark and broke her shoulder, she's had a permanent reduction of mobility and a lot of pain since. My mother and I were the only two who didn't have a drink so we spent the night in the ER.

Oh, and my husband is estranged from his parents so he forgot the date we picked was *their* wedding anniversary. This is after saying he didn't want to get married close to *my* parents anniversary.

Edit: forgot, I have food allergies and the catering put my allergen in the food. I decided to consume a bunch of cupcakes for dinner."

41. Her mother broke her shoulderreddit

Even if you have planned something to the tiniest details, it could still go wrong due to various circumstances. But the most important is to let it go and don't let those little things or human beings ruin your day.

After a while, you'll have a funny memory that you will probably never forget.
