Bride Asks Wedding Planner/Brother To Predict How Long Her Marriage Could Last, Throws Massive Fit When She Didn't Like His Answer
She should have stopped asking when he said it would last forever.
- Published in Interesting
An established 31-year-old wedding planner caused chaos at his own sister's wedding. OP, like most people in the wedding industry, is eerily skilled at predicting the longevity of a couple's marriage based on several factors evident during the wedding planning.
His sister didn't like OP's prediction for her marriage. OP was already reluctant to be his sister's wedding planner.
Years in the industry have taught him it was better not to mix his professional and personal lives. He agreed when his sister practically begged him to helm the planning of her special day.
He met his sister in his office to finalize a few details when she asked him about his "party trick." She asked him to guess how long their marriage would last since he worked closely with them for several months.
OP laughed and tried to change the subject. He realized his sister was serious about her question when she repeatedly pressed OP to answer.
She was unconvinced when OP replied that he thought their marriage would last forever. She asked him to respond truthfully.
OP shrugged and told his sister he believed her marriage would last for a year and a half. His sister was livid.
OP felt disrespected by his sister's behavior at his workplace and tried to usher her out of the office. Their meeting was supposed to be conducted professionally.
His sister attacked OP and his marriage. She predicted that OP and his husband would divorce by the end of the year. She also called him a homewrecker.
u/planstowedWhen she finally left, OP informed her that he would no longer be her wedding planner.
u/planstowedHe gave her the contacts for her wedding vendors but informed her that she would have to look for another venue as they don't work with people they don't have existing relationships with.
u/planstowedHis sister told their parents that OP purposefully tried to sabotage her wedding. She said he replied rudely to what was a playful question.
u/planstowedWas OP wrong for honestly responding to his sister's question after she pushed the topic?
u/planstowedRedditors were curious why OP's sister accused him of being a homewrecker.
RedditIn response, OP shared the story of how he met his husband.
planstowedHis sister misrepresented OP's story because she was trying to hurt him after she didn't like his answer to her question.
planstowedSome were worried how OP's "party trick" could negatively impact his business.
Embarrassed-Panic-37OP made it clear that only a few of his closest friends and relatives know of his "party trick." He doesn't volunteer this information, especially not to clients.
planstowedHe also said that even if his sister tries to disparage his reputation, he has had enough positive feedback from previous couples to counter any rumor.
planstowedHow did OP end up with the number and why didn't he lie to his sister?
friendoffutureOP said his sister finds it difficult to compromise. He did try to evade the question, but it was more difficult to maintain a professional conduct when it was his sibling he was talking to.
planstowedOP could have redirected the conversation if he asked his sister why she wanted him to estimate the longevity of her marriage.
frame_data_serialOP said he would try to approach it from that angle once things are calmer between them.
planstowedThey need to figure out a venue first.
ZenwalkerNSDo not ask questions you don't want to know the answers to. OP's sister should have stopped asking when OP replied with forever.
She wanted him to be honest, didn't she? Her behavior and actions made OP's resolve not to work with friends and family stronger.