Lady Excludes One Person From Plus-One Wedding Invitations, Receives Lengthy Text In Response

"I just didn’t think much about it at the time I sent the invites"

Lady Excludes One Person From Plus-One Wedding Invitations, Receives Lengthy Text In Response

If you've planned a wedding before, then you know it's not an easy task. The number of people on your guest list will have a big impact on your wedding costs, reception venue choices, and overall event vibe.

For most couples, the most difficult aspect of wedding planning is selecting their guest list. It can be particularly difficult if your wedding budget is less than the "average."

A lot of times, brides and grooms are tasked with the difficult task of reducing their original list. You and your fiancé will probably be adding names to the guest list, and each of you will probably have different opinions on who should be invited and who should be left off.

The OP was a part of a friend group of six people, and they will all be coming to her wedding. One of them, Lily, is not super close with the OP, but they are still in the same friend group and consider each other good friends.

The OP knew she had been seeing a new boyfriend, but he wasn't invited to her wedding as the OP is on a budget. When the OP hung out with Lily, she told her that she could only let people bring partners for a year or more.

The rest of the friend crew had long-term partners, and they were invited, but Lily got hurt that the OP didn't even acknowledge their relationship. Read the entire story for yourself below.

They are still in the same friend group and consider each other good friends

They are still in the same friend group and consider each other good friendsReddit

She sent the OP a long text saying she understands it can be hard

She sent the OP a long text saying she understands it can be hardReddit

The OP believes she and her boyfriend have been dating 10 months

The OP believes she and her boyfriend have been dating 10 monthsReddit

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:

I might be the AH for not warning my friend that she is the only one in our friend group who won’t be able to bring her boyfriend to my wedding.

Let's head into the comments and find out what other Redditors have to say regarding the story

Let's head into the comments and find out what other Redditors have to say regarding the storyReddit

The OP is making her feel singled out whether it was the OP's intention or not

The OP is making her feel singled out whether it was the OP's intention or notReddit

From a Redditor who has been in this exact scenario with a friend they knew from college

From a Redditor who has been in this exact scenario with a friend they knew from collegeReddit

The plus one could be a friend so it's not for the OP to police

The plus one could be a friend so it's not for the OP to policeReddit

Everyone else she knows at the wedding has a partner

Everyone else she knows at the wedding has a partnerReddit

Bringing your friend or mom or groomer but single people don't need to be invited with a guest

Bringing your friend or mom or groomer but single people don't need to be invited with a guestReddit

It can be very difficult to reduce your guest list to a suitable number if you desire an intimate wedding but have a huge family and friend group. The OP is in no way required to allow a +1 to each and every guest.

While it's good to do what you can, Redditors say that people who don't realize that weddings are quite expensive should learn to just suck it up.
