Wedding Day Drama — Bridesmaid Refuses To Change Her Newly-Made $150 Hairstyle Unless Bride Gives Her Refund

The hairstyle dispute that rocked a wedding.

Wedding Day Drama — Bridesmaid Refuses To Change Her Newly-Made $150 Hairstyle Unless Bride Gives Her Refund

For those blessed with thick, curly hair, the daily battle of taming those luscious locks is a familiar struggle. You could say it was both a blessing and a curse.

With hair that falls between the 3A and 3B range, our narrator (Original Poster) knew this battle all too well. And that wasn’t even the only problem; OP was accustomed to tiresome comments like, "You'd look so pretty with straight hair! Why don't you straighten it?" 

Not only did it take an eternity—about two hours minimum—but her curls were a source of pride and identity. Straightening was reserved for rare haircuts or special occasions only.

Enter Elizabeth, OP’s friend with a long-standing obsession with seeing those curls transformed into sleek, straight locks. She offered to help countless times, but the answer was always a polite “no.” 

The funny part was that Elizabeth had never actually seen OP with straight hair in person—only in pictures. But her curiosity only grew. When OP finally decided to make the dream come true by scheduling a blowout to grace Elizabeth’s wedding, she was beyond excited.

Oh, and it didn’t come cheap, too; a cool $150 was shelled out for the occasion. But as OP strutted into the venue, Elizabeth’s face fell. She admitted she didn't like how the straight hair looked, even though it was exactly what she had asked for.

The real drama started when OP demanded reimbursement after Elizabeth insisted the hair and make-up curl her hair. In the end, Elizabeth’s mom gave her the money, but not before berating her to the point of tears for trying to ruin her daughter’s big day.

Was OP really being difficult, as everyone insisted?

The story in detail

The story in

Here's an overview of the story

Here's an overview of the

OP followed Elizabeth's request to style her hair for her wedding but Elizabeth did not like the result despite it being what she had initially wanted.

OP followed Elizabeth's request to style her hair for her wedding but Elizabeth did not like the result despite it being what she had initially

Elizabeth wanted OP to change her hair but refused to refund OP the $150 she initially spent on the look.

Elizabeth wanted OP to change her hair but refused to refund OP the $150 she initially spent on the

Check out some interesting comments we've gathered from the Reddit community;

Check out some interesting comments we've gathered from the Reddit community;

"She’s more of an asshole for asking you to be a bridesmaid but getting you to pay for all your own shit!"

"It would be different if you had done something other than what she asked, but you didn't."

"You stepped out of your comfort zone for elizabeth and she was still upset"

"It's not your responsibility to 'fix it.' Talk about entitled!"

"If she wants you to have curly hair she should pay for the straight hair"

"You ending up having it as she wanted (and professionally at that) was only as a wholesome favour towards her."

"No one at the end of evening cares whether hair was curled, straight or braided"

The wedding stress was enough to make any bride go temporarily insane, but Redditors agreed Elizabeth was out of line.

Our curly-haired narrator learned that sometimes, even when you go the extra mile for a friend, their vision might not align with reality. But that was perfectly fine because OP’s curls were here to stay.

We’d love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments.
