Cousin Excludes OP From Her Wedding Guest List, But Her Fiancé Asks To Put A Good Word For Him At Their Workplace

Yikes, the sheer audacity!

Cousin Excludes OP From Her Wedding Guest List, But Her Fiancé Asks To Put A Good Word For Him At Their Workplace

In a narrative spanning over 15 years, OP has been a steadfast observer of their cousin's transformative journey from a little girl to a responsible adult. The cousin's decision to get engaged introduces a new chapter, yet the joy is accompanied by an unexpected twist.

Despite close ties and regular social interactions, OP finds themselves absent from the wedding guest list.

As the wedding plans unfold and invitations are dispatched to distant relatives, the protagonist, a close confidant, is left uninvited. The exclusion becomes more pronounced when the cousin's fiancé, who had entered the family's orbit a few years ago, reaches out for a professional favor—seeking a job reference at OP's workplace.

This appeal for assistance in the professional realm accentuates the perplexity of the situation, amplifying the emotional discord experienced by OP.

The delicate dance of job referrals enters the narrative, with the protagonist facing a moral dilemma. Grappling with the offense of not being invited to the wedding, OP contemplates whether to extend professional support to the cousin's fiancé.

This introduces a layer of complexity, highlighting the intertwined nature of personal sentiments and professional considerations as OP navigates the intricate dynamics of family relationships and workplace etiquette.

Just take a look...

Cousin's wedding soon, no invite yet. Fiancé asked for a work favor.

Cousin's wedding soon, no invite yet. Fiancé asked for a work favor.Reddit

Feeling hurt for not being invited to the wedding, hesitant to put in a good word for the fiancé. OP's now wondering if it makes them the jerk.

Scroll down to see what people had to say!

Feeling hurt for not being invited to the wedding, hesitant to put in a good word for the fiancé. OP's now wondering if it makes them the jerk.Reddit

No endorsement until the invite arrives. The mailbox is feeling left out!

No endorsement until the invite arrives. The mailbox is feeling left out!Reddit

The mailbox wonders, but it's all good—practicing the surprised face just in case!

The mailbox wonders, but it's all good—practicing the surprised face just in case!Reddit

Mixing professional favors with wedding invites? It's a career, not a buffet.

Mixing professional favors with wedding invites? It's a career, not a buffet.Reddit

Job-hopping resume? Giving him a reference is like endorsing a revolving door.

Job-hopping resume? Giving him a reference is like endorsing a revolving door.Reddit

They're after reliability, not a career hopscotch champ. Oh, and about that wedding invite...?

They're after reliability, not a career hopscotch champ. Oh, and about that wedding invite...?Reddit

Not vouching, just delivering the news like a postal worker.

Not vouching, just delivering the news like a postal worker.Reddit

Consider it the 'minimalist reference' package—less talk, more application drop.

Consider it the 'minimalist reference' package—less talk, more application drop.Reddit

A wedding's a day, but the job's a lifetime commitment. No need for neck-stretching when the grind is real.

A wedding's a day, but the job's a lifetime commitment. No need for neck-stretching when the grind is real.Reddit

Putting in a good word for him? That's like recommending a rainy day at the beach.

Putting in a good word for him? That's like recommending a rainy day at the beach.Reddit

Missing invite or stealth mode activated? Time to solve the mystery of the vanishing wedding invitation!

Missing invite or stealth mode activated? Time to solve the mystery of the vanishing wedding invitation!Reddit

Regular meet-ups, no wedding invite? Is the mailbox on strike or did they unlock a new level of hide-and-seek?

Regular meet-ups, no wedding invite? Is the mailbox on strike or did they unlock a new level of hide-and-seek?Reddit

Frequent family or occasional acquaintances? The invite strategy is like a plot twist—unexpected and puzzling!

Frequent family or occasional acquaintances? The invite strategy is like a plot twist—unexpected and puzzling!Reddit

Mix-up or magic? The missing invite has turned into a Houdini act.

Mix-up or magic? The missing invite has turned into a Houdini act.Reddit

A 'good word' isn't a Yelp review. As for the missing invite, mailbox mystery or invisibility cloak?

A 'good word' isn't a Yelp review. As for the missing invite, mailbox mystery or invisibility cloak?Reddit

Boss suggested a wedding day interview. If declined: 'Didn't know, no invite.'

Boss suggested a wedding day interview. If declined: 'Didn't know, no invite.'Reddit

Putting in a good word is like a professional Tinder swipe. No blind endorsements here; we're avoiding career heartbreaks.

Putting in a good word is like a professional Tinder swipe. No blind endorsements here; we're avoiding career heartbreaks.Reddit

Work endorsements are like blind dates; risky business. Lesson learned: no résumé romance without a trial period!

Work endorsements are like blind dates; risky business. Lesson learned: no résumé romance without a trial period!Reddit

Recommending without experience? It's like praising a movie never seen.

Recommending without experience? It's like praising a movie never seen.Reddit

No word on unseen work performances. It's like predicting a plot twist without watching the movie.

No word on unseen work performances. It's like predicting a plot twist without watching the movie.Reddit

Sometimes, the rhythm of relationships doesn't follow a predictable beat, and the steps of understanding can be as elusive as an uninvited dance partner at a wedding.

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