Groom Refuses To Invite His Brother With Pica Because He Could Potentially Eat The Rocks, Flowers, Or Bride's Veil

"I'm not changing my wedding for a 35 year-old man who likes to eat dirt."

Groom Refuses To Invite His Brother With Pica Because He Could Potentially Eat The Rocks, Flowers, Or Bride's Veil

Pica is an eating disorder that makes people crave things that are not edible food. It can originate as a disorder or a sign of an entirely other medical or cultural phenomenon.

The substances individuals with pica may opt for can be natural, biological, or even artificial. The term originates from medieval Latin and is derived from the word magpie, a bird known for its opportunistic feeding behaviors in folklore. 

Pregnant women and small children are more likely to have pica, as well as individuals with developmental disabilities such as autism. Brain damage or lead poisoning can result from children eating painted plaster that contains lead.  

Besides poisoning, the risk of tearing in the stomach or gastrointestinal obstruction increases substantially. Ingesting soil can also lead to the ingestion of animal feces and any parasites that may reside in it. 

A Redditor who goes by the username u/throwaway462o2 made a post on the r/TrueOffMyChest where he explained how his parents are expecting him to get rid of anything his brother with pica could get his hands on. The user refused to change his wedding for his brother's disorder and decided to share his feelings with the Reddit community. 

Scroll down to check out the full Reddit post!

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/thowawaynoawaythrow2:

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/thowawaynoawaythrow2:Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

OP's parents requested to avoid anything his brother could potentially eat.

OP's parents requested to avoid anything his brother could potentially eat.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

OP refused to change his wedding for his brother's eating disorder.

OP refused to change his wedding for his brother's eating disorder.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

OP didn't want to hinder his fiancé from having the wedding of her dreams and refused to alter anything.

OP didn't want to hinder his fiancé from having the wedding of her dreams and refused to alter anything.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/thowawaynoawaythrow2's post:

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/thowawaynoawaythrow2's post:Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

OP could either try to distract his brother with his favorite treats or not invite him entirely.

OP could either try to distract his brother with his favorite treats or not invite him entirely.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

OP might want to look into this solution to help with his brother's condition.

OP might want to look into this solution to help with his brother's condition.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

It's not common for men to have this disorder.

It's not common for men to have this disorder.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

The brother could try to slightly control himself during the wedding.

The brother could try to slightly control himself during the wedding.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

It depends on how extreme the brother's condition is.

It depends on how extreme the brother's condition is.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

This user's daughter used to be obsessed with eating foam.

This user's daughter used to be obsessed with eating foam.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

The chewing could be a stress reliever for OP's brother.

The chewing could be a stress reliever for OP's brother.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

OP probably had to make accommodations for his brother since forever.

OP probably had to make accommodations for his brother since forever.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

"It’s always so frustrating when it is blatantly obvious who is the favorite child..."

Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

If the bother really cared, he would make it work for them.

If the bother really cared, he would make it work for them.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

That could be a good compromise.

That could be a good compromise.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

Pica is usually due to an iron deficiency.

Pica is usually due to an iron deficiency.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

OP could save himself from the drama by doing this.

OP could save himself from the drama by doing this.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

Kudos to OP for standing up for himself.

Kudos to OP for standing up for himself.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

It's OP's wedding, and he can choose who gets to come.

It's OP's wedding, and he can choose who gets to come.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

OP's parents are enablers.

OP's parents are enablers.Reddit: r/TrueOffMyChest

OP has every right not to invite his brother to ensure a drama-free wedding. The wedding shouldn't be about the brother, and OP should be able to enjoy his wedding without having to worry about his brother's disorder.

The brother should also have some understanding of his brother's position. If you enjoyed reading this, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
