15 Things That People Warned Us About As Kids That Didn't End Up Being That Serious

Remember all those times that people warned us about things, but as we got older we realized it wasn't that serious.

15 Things That People Warned Us About As Kids That Didn't End Up Being That Serious

If you were anything like me as a kid then you were probably warned about so many things by adults. It seems that they were trying to prepare us for the "real world" but honestly, they probably prepared us for some of the wrong things.

I think all of us can probably recall a time when an adult warned us about a specific thing or just told us things were going to be a lot more difficult than they actually were. It made a lot of us kind of worried to grow up and experience things that were coming our way even though the adults probably meant good by it.

Turns out though that these things that people were warning us about really weren't that serious or hard to deal with anyway. If you've had an experience like this then you probably can relate to what these people are saying.

A Reddit post got a lot of comments on it when one Reddit user asks "what is something that you were warned about when you were younger that you now feel was exaggerated?" This post had comments rolling in all over it.

We compiled some of the best and most relatable comments that were left on this post. Let's dive in and take a look at what people said in response.

Here's the original question that was asked.

Here's the original question that was asked.u/Marshalljoe

I definitely feel like this is something that was warned about like we'd have to send it in with out resume.

I definitely feel like this is something that was warned about like we'd have to send it in with out resume.u/Marshalljoew

Warning about boys or girls just made us want to be more involved with them.

Warning about boys or girls just made us want to be more involved with them.u/Marshalljoe

I mean this was definitely exaggerated but also not because it is dangerous.

I mean this was definitely exaggerated but also not because it is dangerous.u/Marshalljoe

This was definitely a thing that many teachers told us as we were going into the next grade.

This was definitely a thing that many teachers told us as we were going into the next grade.u/Marshalljoe

This was very exaggerated by literally every adult in my life. The saying that it takes 7 years to digest is also a myth.

This was very exaggerated by literally every adult in my life. The saying that it takes 7 years to digest is also a myth.u/Marshalljoe

This is interesting because I've actually never heard this saying before. Midnight sounds like a nice curfew though.

This is interesting because I've actually never heard this saying before. Midnight sounds like a nice curfew though.u/Marshalljoe

The Bermuda Triangle is something people just stopped talking about but I don't really understand why.

The Bermuda Triangle is something people just stopped talking about but I don't really understand why.u/Marshalljoe

I must have not grown up where this person did because this wasn't really a fear that I had, but I'd imagine that it would be terrifying to hear as a child.

I must have not grown up where this person did because this wasn't really a fear that I had, but I'd imagine that it would be terrifying to hear as a child.u/Marshalljoe

This is such a funny thing to me because I don't get why we were told this. Did our parents just not want us making silly faces?

This is such a funny thing to me because I don't get why we were told this. Did our parents just not want us making silly faces?u/Marshalljoe

This is true they definitely don't but that doesn't mean that your next job can't ask about the situations you've been in during your work life.

This is true they definitely don't but that doesn't mean that your next job can't ask about the situations you've been in during your work life.u/Marshalljoe

The things that parents will do to get their kids not to do bad things.

The things that parents will do to get their kids not to do bad things.u/Marshalljoe

It's wild because now many people are making great careers without a degree.

It's wild because now many people are making great careers without a degree.u/Marshalljoe

The benefits of this will come in handy if needed, but for now it seems pointless.

The benefits of this will come in handy if needed, but for now it seems pointless.u/Marshalljoe

This is totally not a thing that happens literally ever.

This is totally not a thing that happens literally ever.u/Marshalljoe

This is so true and it should be taught that predators can be in your own family.

This is so true and it should be taught that predators can be in your own family.u/Marshalljoe

These scenarios were some of the ones I was told as a kid too so it's crazy to see that we all had similar experiences and still haven't dealt with some of the things we were worried about. Parents are just funny by what they tell kids.

Do you have any to add to this list that you were told?
