After Finding Out Being Ignored By Everyone Was Apart Of Her Birthday Surprise, This Woman Walks Out Of Her Own Party
Her loved ones and friends expected her to suck everything up after what they did to her.
- Published in Interesting
People deserve to be happy, especially on their birthdays. To make the celebrant's day extra special, their friends and family would hold surprise parties.
The whole point of a surprise birthday party is, well, the surprise. If the celebrant knows about it in advance, it is no longer a surprise and defeats the purpose.
This is where the creativity of the organizers comes into play. For example, a loved one would invite the celebrant to eat out somewhere so that the celebrant's family and friends can prepare for the party.
Also, the best surprise birthday parties are the ones that are tailored to the celebrant. It should be something they would enjoy, and not just something nice for everyone else.
Unfortunately, one woman did not like how her surprise birthday went. But before you judge and say that she's ungrateful, you need to know her side of the story first.
This woman shared her experience on Reddit. According to her, every family member, friend, and coworker ignored her on her special day.
But it was all part of the plan to give her a surprise party. In the end, it did not sit well with her because being ignored only made her miserable.
These people ruined her mood on her birthday. So it's not a surprise that she walked out of the party.
Is she wrong for doing so? Redditors weigh in.
This poor birthday celebrant shares her story on the AITA subreddit.
Emol_nuskNeither her family nor her friends greeted her on her special day.
Emol_nuskShe settled for a cake and celebrated by herself.
Emol_nuskAnyone would get upset if they were treated that way on their special day.
Emol_nuskShe wanted to know whether or not she's the a**hole for walking out after the "efforts" of her friends, family, and colleagues.
Emol_nuskThese people just went too far with their surprise.
nickyfrags69In real life, particularly on our birthday, we don't need the drama seen on TV.
CalmFront7908Surprise parties aren't for everyone.
ScorchieSongThese people didn't do it for the celebrant. They did it for themselves.
letstrythisagain30A post that basically sums up how a surprise party should be
ScorchieSongHow to keep the surprise party a secret
palaceofparagraphsThey pulled off a mean prank, not a surprise party.
briareus08Simple and nice things, just like what this user has experienced, are the best ways to hide the surprise.
Playful-Mastodon-872Did these people not realize that what they just did was manipulation?
IAMA_Shark__AMAWhen people thought that everything was going to happen like in the movies
PommeDeSangWho came up with this stupid idea, anyway?
Feisty_BrunetteIgnoring the celebrant is a recipe for disaster.
AliceInWeirdolandRedditors sharing how awesome their surprise parties went
AlpacaPicnic23Why would you ruin someone's mood if you want them to be happy on their birthday?
curiousbelgian, Jack-Omnium-Artium, IAMA_Shark__AMAIgnoring the celebrant was an ignorant move.
NoxWildThe set-up is supposed to be low-key.
OptimalCreme9847The first thing that people want on their birthday is to be acknowledged. These people failed at the basics.
Nona_Ginta, YsisbrThe ones who organized the party should put themselves in the original poster's shoes.
4U2NV1981What's the point of a surprise party if the celebrant will only end up getting miserable the entire day?
SutteonRedditors agree that it was a mean and pointless prank.
If you're one of the organizers of an upcoming birthday surprise, remember to consider the feelings of the celebrant. Just because this kind of surprise seems fun doesn't mean that it's the same for the person celebrating their birthday.
We're just glad to hear that despite having a bad birthday surprise, everything went well in the end. We hope that the original poster's loved ones learned their lesson, and they'll come up with a better way to celebrate in the future.