Waffle House Employee Stays Late To Serve Table Only To Get Tipped $1.25
Tipping is very important for a server especially if they go out of the way for you.

We all know with most customer service you can expect to have customers who are judging your service to give you a tip. Whether or not you agree with the way this system works, it is how it works in some establishments.
People can sometimes be very bad at giving tips and this can really suck for the waitress as they are relying on this money. We see situations all the time where people are being cheap or they just don't tip enough for their bill or the work that was done.
In this post, we'll be talking about a viral TikTok that went around of a Waffle House employee talking about her encounter with a bad customer tip that she received. The biggest thing with this situation is that the Waffle House employee went out of her way to stay late to serve them.
She was furious to have stayed past her shift and given great service only to receive a very small tip of $1.25. If you want to hear more about what happened and watch her original TikTok video then stay tuned because we're going to go through it all.
Let's dive into this and see what she had to say.
Mae took to TikTok to share a story of a group of "kids" that came in a couple minutes before her shift ended.
Mae is a server at Waffle House that went to TikTok to share her story. She reportedly says that a group of "kids" came in three minutes before her shift ended and her replacement wasn't there yet so she ended up taking the table.
She explained that she nicely served them and made sure they were fine and completed all their requests. Mae went to TikTok to share her story because she went out of her way for these customers only to get a very degrading tip.

Then she says how much she got tipped and this is where the problem arises.
She says that after everything only one person in the entire party tipped her and it was for $1.25. She said she stayed 45 minutes past her shift to serve them and they gave her a $1.25 tip.
Mae also mentioned how the table did have many requests such as plastic silverware. She said she was giving them "refills galore" and so many other common serving and customer service duties for them.
Regardless of how she really felt about receiving this tip, Mae took it with a "thank you" and ended her shift.

This is when the comments really started rolling in.

People had so much to say from the plastic silverware, to hating to serve kids, and how tipping is important.

Here is the original video of her talking about the situation.
Mae is sitting in her car right after her shift when she records herself telling this tory for the internet. She obviously tells it best so watch the video to hear the whole story.
After all of this, I think the lesson to be learned is to teach your kids how to tip and teach those around you how important it is to tip your servers especially if they show you great service. Ultimately it's something that should be known, but a lot of people take advantage of this.
How would you have reacted to this tip?
