These days it seems like toys are less marketed towards a specific gender than ever before, which is a great thing honestly! But it leaves room for some genuine nostalgia looking back to our younger years. Specifically, you crazy 90's kids. Some of the best, classic toys came out of the 90's and the toys that were marketed towards little girls have maintained some level of iconic that few things in life and history have, at least when it comes to children's toys.
From the skip-it that every girl had to have to some of the best Barbie toys out there, the 90's were truly a gem we were lucky to live through. How many of these toys did you have? How many of them did you want?
Sorry, that second question is a trick question because I already know you wanted all of them.
Felicity, The American Girl
She was the newest girl to join the crew and she was SO totally the best.eBay
The Barbie Car
If you could drive around your neighborhood in your very own Barbie car, you were definitely
Puppy Surprise!
I mean, you only truly wanted a Puppy Surprise if it came with enough puppies and all too often it didn't. But man, when it
Literally anything Lisa Frank
Of course, especially the stickers, but Lisa Frank was an all around win.Etsy
Holiday Barbie
Most of our parents refused to spend money on these Barbies but we longed for them every year regardless.Matel
And the best part was when you got her, you played with her in the bathtub. She wasn't designed for that but that didn't stop you, did it? No, it did not.Tumblr
Totally Hair Barbie
The Barbie with the coolest hair out of all the Barbies. Bonus? She came with a little bottle of hair gel to share with you. Talk about little girls' most wanted.Wal-Mart
Nickelodeon Gak Slime
Everything slimy, sticky, gooey, and stretchy was everything little kids in the 90's wanted. Girls were no exception.Imgur
Roller Blades
Roller Blades to show off at the local skating rink, that was all you really needed in life. Friday and Saturday nights there was nothing better to do than head to the skating rink and if you had rad, new roller blades? You were definitely the coolest girl there. And can we just say? Especially in these colors.Etsy
Dream Phone, the board game
There was no board game on the planet more important than this board game if you were a young girl in the 90's. That's just a
A Fanny Pack
The more colors the better! Yeah, don't pretend like you don't remember when fanny packs were cool ASF.Etsy
The Beauty and the Beast Talking Magic Mirror
This was SO, totally, one of every girl's must-have toys in the 90's. And it was seriously the coolest toy, especially since Beauty and the Beast was such a favorite Disney movie in the 90's. If you saw it in the theater, then there is no way you were letting your parents get away with NOT getting it for you for
Trolls, Particularly Treasure Trolls
No, we're not talking about Poppy and Branch. The classic troll toys we grew up with were a must have in every child's home. But Treasure Trolls? Those were an especially hot, must-have item for little girls.BlogSpot
Hypercolor T-shirts
You needed to be the coolest fashionista in school in your Hypercolor t-shirt. Don't pretend like that isn't the awful truth.dyemurex
There were so many things you could do with Caboodles. You needed one for all the different things you had to put in your Caboodle. Plus, Cabbodle is fun to say.Urban Outfitters
Sony Walkman
Every kid needed their very own Sony Walkman. And in case you've been trying to forget the long-lost past, you played cassette tapes in these dinosaurs. These beautiful, beautiful dinosaurs.WordPress
Barbie's Victorian Dream House
It had a freaking WORKING elevator, how could you NOT want this beauty?PhotoBucket
Where's Waldo? Books
Finding Waldo was oddly satisfying and the thirst to search for him in crisp, new books was never ending.eBay
First of all, because babies are just something we needed to play with anyway. Second of all, they were tiny and we loved tiny things in the 90's.eBay
Just looking at this right now is probably filling you with a little bit of rage, remembering how frustrating it was to play these games (especially The Little Mermaid one.) But that didn't stop you from wanting it so, so bad when you were a little girl in the 90's!
It didn't matter that 90% of the time you couldn't see the hidden images (and you secretly did not believe that the people around you who said they did see it, actually saw it) you still super-duper wanted one of these hot items of the 90's.Etsy
Have you tried to play with one of these lately? You'll go crazy and wonder why you miss it so much. But in the 90's, this was THE coolest thing you had to
Disney Princess piggy-banks
You played with them and did not put money with them but that's not what's important.Etsy
Skip It
I still don't know why these things were so popular but holy moly did I love it back then and you know you did, too.Odyssey
Polly Pockets
Earlier we mentioned an obsession with tiny things, well Polly Pockets were THE tiny toy we obsessed over. There were so many and no toy today comes close to how cool these things were. Today's Polly Pocket toys can't hold a candle next to the ones from the 90's.Etsy
A Talkgirl (or Talkboy)
You know you just wanted to play pranks. This is one of those toys you asked for, received, and then played with once before forgetting all about it.Twitter
Mall Madness
This was a board game that you played at every sleepover but nobody really knew how to play it so you usually made a mess and gave up after a bit. BUT, at some point, every single one of you and your friends wanted one of their own. That's just how it was.BlogSpot