41 Examples Of Video Games Teaching Us Valuable Lessons Because Sometimes Video Games Can Show Us The Path of Wisdom

Video games can also teach us lessons that someone else hasn't and here are 41 examples.

  • Published in Gaming
41 Examples Of Video Games Teaching Us Valuable Lessons Because Sometimes Video Games Can Show Us The Path of Wisdom

Video Games have been our teachers for quite some time now. And even though our parents don't think they're quite useful, there are lots of examples where they thought us much more than expected.

These aren't quite meme formats we usually have for video games as they're basically real-life lessons that could help us in the near future. Read every picture with thought before continuing to the next one and you may learn something new.

@VGAdvisor is the account that has provided us with these pictures. It's an account that managed to collect various video game moments that can help us become more mature.

Some of these are funny when they're taken out of context but you should also be able to look at the deeper picture when thinking about them thoroughly.

Here are 41 moments in video games where they show real wisdom.

1. True

1. True@VGAdvisor

2. Not something you'd expect from an angry-talking rock

2. Not something you'd expect from an angry-talking rock@VGAdvisor

3. This is the one you'd hear from your parents all the time. Pretty ironic coming from a video game

3. This is the one you'd hear from your parents all the time. Pretty ironic coming from a video game@VGAdvisor


4. @VGAdvisor

5. Fair enough

5. Fair enough@VGAdvisor

6. Teaching us to look deep into people's thoughts

6. Teaching us to look deep into people's thoughts@VGAdvisor

7. Letting it all out is always okay

7. Letting it all out is always okay@VGAdvisor

8. A break after learning is not a bad thing

8. A break after learning is not a bad thing@VGAdvisor

9. Solid

9. Solid@VGAdvisor

10. You should probably cast aside some other people as well, but we get the point

10. You should probably cast aside some other people as well, but we get the point@VGAdvisor

11. Confidence isn't bad but arrogance is

11. Confidence isn't bad but arrogance is@VGAdvisor

12. You don't say?

12. You don't say?@VGAdvisor

13. More relevant than ever I suppose

13. More relevant than ever I suppose@VGAdvisor

14. Sometimes overdoing stuff can be bad for your health

14. Sometimes overdoing stuff can be bad for your health@VGAdvisor


15. @VGAdvisor


16. @VGAdvisor

17. Having someone by your side can be a perfect medicine

17. Having someone by your side can be a perfect medicine@VGAdvisor

18. Truer words are rarely spoken

18. Truer words are rarely spoken@VGAdvisor

19. 'Happy wife, happy life'

19. 'Happy wife, happy life'@VGAdvisor

20. I hope people know this, but, could be useful for young folks

20. I hope people know this, but, could be useful for young folks@VGAdvisor


21. @VGAdvisor


22. @VGAdvisor


23. @VGAdvisor

24. You'll know what to do eventually

24. You'll know what to do eventually@VGAdvisor

25. Who would've thought?

25. Who would've thought?@VGAdvisor


26. @VGAdvisor

27. Anything in life pretty much comes down to this

27. Anything in life pretty much comes down to this@VGAdvisor


28. @VGAdvisor


29. @VGAdvisor


30. @VGAdvisor

31. I'm guessing we should already know this

31. I'm guessing we should already know this@VGAdvisor

32. Pretty self-explanatory, right?

32. Pretty self-explanatory, right?@VGAdvisor


33. @VGAdvisor

34. It won't end as you would've hoped so

34. It won't end as you would've hoped so@VGAdvisor

35. Thank you, friend

35. Thank you, friend@VGAdvisor


36. @VGAdvisor


37. @VGAdvisor

38. Not caring what people think is one of the keys to happiness

38. Not caring what people think is one of the keys to happiness@VGAdvisor

39. Cultures should welcome people from other cultures with open arms

39. Cultures should welcome people from other cultures with open arms@VGAdvisor

40. It's important not to think too highly of yourself

40. It's important not to think too highly of yourself@VGAdvisor

41. You've done a great job

41. You've done a great job@VGAdvisor