People Share Photos Of Weird Items That Nobody Seems To Know About Until Now
Nobody knew these stuff existed until now.

Have you ever bought something or received something as a present and you don't have a clue how to use it and what it is for? I'm sure we all have! It's a lot more common than you think.
People receive things on a daily basis from their loved ones as presents and they think to themselves "What is this?" And apparently, nobody has the answer to their questions and finding something on the internet with just a photo can be quite difficult. Some people even find weird things when they pack out their deceased loved one's boxes.
So to help all these people and the rest of us with our "What is it?" question a list of 18 things was compiled to shed some light on what these weird and strange items are actually used for.
1. “What is this? First thought was that it was for tea, but it would just spill out if closed.”
This device is actually used to sprinkle powdered sugar on a pie or to put some flour on the dough.

2. “Got this contraption as a Christmas gift together with a ’Good luck guessing what this is!’ message.”
You make meatballs with it! Who knew? You put the meat in the white compartment, you use the right side to make a hollow for the filling of your meatball and the left side is used to put in the second part of your meatball.
3. We think this might be a vase
Wrong! It was used by women in the previous century. They used to cut their hair into this bowl and then use it later to stuff pillows.
4. “Found this with a few of my grandfather’s things. No clue as to what it could be.”
They used this contraption to put corks into bottles.
5. Perhaps a belt?
It's called suspenders for men. It was developed by a Slovenian company. You put the main belt around your waist and the remaining parts are attached to the shirt.

6. A rolling pin for wood maybe?
This is used to cut dough for croissants.

7. Some kind of mincer
It's used to cut out the pulp of a coconut with ease.
8. Something to do with coins maybe?
Men who wore gloves in the 20th century used to attach their gloves to this contraption when they weren't using it. The device was then attached to their clothes.
9. “Bought at a flea market in Belgium. Seller offered no explanation.”
It was used by Obstetricians in the 19th century when they were busy tying up the umbilical cord.
10. “Found this piece in my grandmother’s formal silverware set.”
They used this to teach children how to use silverware. Basically what they did was push the food to the fork or spoon. This is called the knife-pusher.

11. I wouldn't wany anyone using this on me.
And it turns out that it's a bookmark!
12. “Found this in the bathroom. Spent half a day figuring out what this is. My wife explained.”
This used to be sold with hair straightens. It acts as a protective glove.

13. Someone from Spanish heritage would probably know what this is.
It's called a Porron and it's a vessel for wine. You use it by lifting it with the top part and the nose tips directly into your mouth. Be careful to never touch let your lips touch the vessel.
14. “What is this wooden thing I received as a gift?”
This one is actually very nifty. It's a glass coaster that you use on a wine bottle. The middle hole goes over the top of the bottle and the side holes are used for the wine glasses.

15. “Boyfriend found this weird key in our driveway. It doesn’t belong to my neighbors.”
This key can be used for a lockpick so be careful when you get this.
16. “This weird wooden thing belonged to my grandfather.”
You "beat" the laundry with this after it has been washed.

17. Is this maybe what they use to travel through time?
No! It's a treadmill. People that are recovering from an injury used this treadmill so that they have something to hold onto for more support.

18. “What kind of scissors are these? I looked on Google for 20 minutes and can’t figure it out!”
You use it to cut a pizza!

Elzaan Van der merwe