These Twitter Users Are Sharing Hilarious Stories About Their "Mean Cats"

We all knew cats had sass but holy moly!

  • Published in Animals
These Twitter Users Are Sharing Hilarious Stories About Their "Mean Cats"

Nicole Cliffe is busy. She's an accomplished writer, managing her own blog, as well as writing for Slate, SELF, Vulture, ELLE, Catapult, The Guardian, and Christianity Today! The Utah based writer has amassed quite a few followers on Twitter and it's not hard to see why! She's witty, intelligent, and fun.

Recently, Nicole asked her followers to tweet stories about their cats. However, not just ordinary every day stories. She requested stories about cats being mean. Look, we love cats more than words could ever properly articulate, but something we all love about cats, without a doubt, is their sass. Their purr-sonalities keep us going most of the time and these stories? They're hilarious. Thanks, Nicole!

I mean, we all want to know it's not just our cat, right?

I mean, we all want to know it's not just our cat, right?Twitter

How dare you.

How dare you.Twitter

We all know how smug cats can be.

We all know how smug cats can be.Twitter

You'll feel better if you stop competing with the cat, hun.

You'll feel better if you stop competing with the cat, hun.twitter

Share the ice cream? Share it!

Share the ice cream? Share it!Twitter

Creative problem solving is a required trait when it comes to cats.

Creative problem solving is a required trait when it comes to cats. Twitter

Whose bed is it really?

Whose bed is it really?Twitter

Meow or bite? Bite.

Meow or bite? Bite.twitter

Louis, the sweetest angel of them all, is not always so angelic.

Louis, the sweetest angel of them all, is not always so angelic. twitter

Memorable as heck.

Memorable as heck.twitter

You gotta get creative with cats.

10 points for hilarious creativity.

You gotta get creative with cats.twitter

*Laughs in Cat*

*Laughs in Cat*twitter

I bet you have hilarious and fascinating stories about your own frisky pets! Share their mischief with us right meow!
