Spiders are the most misunderstood insects in the world. Despite being cool as hell, many people cannot stand spiders and immediately freak out at the sight of one of them.
If you pay close attention, you will realize that spiders are absolutely adorable, they have big dreamy eyes and fuzzy bodies and they are great as pets. Don't let their eight legs scare you from their adorable fuzzy selves.
Pictures of spiders are not something you see often, the internet is filled with dog and cat pictures and all the cute spider pictures get buried in the middle of all of them. You can still be creeped out by them randomòy creeping up on you, but all you have to know is that they just want to play.
Although not all spiders are harmless, some are actually lethally venomous and could kill you with a single bit. But if you don't live in Australia you have nothing to fear, most of them are there anyways.
It's time to see spiders in a new light, all the spiders below are very good boys and have never hurt anyone in their lives. Scroll down and check them out, they're all eager to meet you!
1. "I Realize This Is Unconventional, But Please Give It A Chance. Introducing: The Central American Puppy Spider!"
See? Spiders have always been misunderstood when they just want to be our little friends. They are so adorable and tiny and I really can't handle all that cuteness at once.
I wonder what it's like to own a spider as a pet. I would probably spend most of my time looking for it because I lose everything very easily.
Who knew spiders could be this adorable? They are just so tiny that we rarely get to take a good look at them.