Vegetarian Unknowingly Ate Meat At A Restaurant And Is Converted For Life

This is a surprising reaction to accidentally eating a food you're not supposed to.

  • Published in Funny
Vegetarian Unknowingly Ate Meat At A Restaurant And Is Converted For Life

There are a lot of different diets going around currently; from keto, to vegan, to raw foods and everything in between. There's hardly a day that goes by where you don't hear about some new fang-dangled diet that promises to yield the optimal lifestyle. People do different diets for different reasons and we should not judge them for it! However, one of the more common, and easy to understand diets is the vegetarian diet.

The vegetarian diet is characterised by simply not eating meat. Vegetarians still consume other animal products, such as milk and eggs, but they do not eat meat. But why the explanation? Well, someone Tweeted at Chipotle about their "vegetarian option."

One vegetarian recently went to Chipotle and Tweeted about their experience.

One vegetarian recently went to Chipotle and Tweeted about their experience.@ReturnOvThaMack on Twitter (via RearFront)

Chipotle was a little confused, and requested further clarification.

Chipotle was a little confused, and requested further clarification.@ChipotleTweets on Twitter (via RearFront)

"I don't eat meat"

@ReturnOvThaMack on Twitter (via RearFront)

Hopefully Mackenzie did a quick google search to confirm

Hopefully Mackenzie did a quick google search to confirm @ChipotleTweets on Twitter (via RearFront)


:o@ReturnOvThaMack on Twitter (via RearFront)

No judgement and there's no shame in making a mistake!

The former vegetarian seems to see the humour in the situation and their Twitter bio now reads "Carnivorous AF."

@ReturnOvThaMack on Twitter (via RearFront)