Vegan Offers To Treat Her Friend To Restaurant Of His Choice For His 40th, Rethinks It When He Choses All-Meat BBQ Place
When confronted, he said she should eat before the dinner and just attend to pay for a $300+ meal for 9 people.
- Published in Interesting
Unspoken resentment built when a 41-year-old vegan offered to pay for her friend's birthday dinner. Luke was so overjoyed by OP's generosity that he seemingly forgot that she had been vegan for two decades and chose a local BBQ spot known for their all-meat menu.
The restaurant mocked vegetarian and vegan people and had a section in their menu that said, "Vegetarian options: don't let the door hit you on your way out." OP asked her friend what he thought she could eat at the restaurant.
Luke told OP it was his birthday, so her veganism was not a priority. He told OP to eat before they go to the restaurant and order drinks to allow their other friends to enjoy their meals.
OP was not enthused with Luke's vision for the evening. She had expected he would pick a steak house and was prepared to fill herself with salads and side dishes.
However, he didn't expect him to completely disregard her diet. OP asked if she would be wrong to rescind her offer of sponsoring Luke's birthday dinner after his inconsiderate restaurant choice.
If OP went along with what Luke wanted, she would have to spend more than $300 on a meal she couldn't eat. On the other hand, OP's nine friends could be disappointed if she pulls her offer off the table.
Four days later, OP shared an update.
fakeenameeOP explained that she has known most of the people in her friend group since they were in college. The additions were her friend's spouses who were welcomed into their fold.
fakeenameeBefore OP could rescind the offer, Luke apologized and made a reservation at a different restaurant.
He had an epiphany about his restaurant choice after a few friends laughed in disbelief when he informed them about the venue. He apologized to OP shortly after, and they had a great time celebrating Luke's 40th with a few jabs about how ridiculous the restaurant drama was.
fakeenameeRedditors felt divided about OP's update. They felt Luke's apology was inauthentic since it only happened after most of their friends laughed at his choice.
tryphynaWas Luke a lucky but selfish guy who realized just in time he couldn't be that outwardly asshol*sh towards OP without losing the privileges of her friendship?
UncaringHawkSome Redditors were convinced that Luke was oblivious he made a questionable choice and needed others to point him in the right direction.
asphiasWere Redditors too jaded? After all, OP has been friends with Luke for two decades and knows him better beyond two Reddit posts.
cuervoguy2002A commenter felt most of the Reddit users in the group needed the satisfaction of punishment bestowed on the presumed "bad" person.
redrumakmThey weren't as easily taken by Luke's remorse and felt it was brought on by peer pressure.
silkkituikkuThe commenters couldn't make up their minds if Luke had been genuinely apologetic or if he wanted to save face.
Head_Bed1250, holesinallfoursocks, isaidwhatisaidokWas OP too forgiving of her friend's inconsiderate behavior? Luke did double-down when OP first brought up how hostile the BBQ restaurant was to non-meat eaters.
We can only wait for future stories if Luke messes up again to know more about his character. Do you think Luke was genuinely remorseful about dismissing OP's diet?