People Are Sharing Different Food Combos That You Shouldn’t Hate Until You Try Them, And Here Are 40 Suggestions
It's not compulsory that you have to try these food combinations, but if you have big opinions about food then you might find these conversations particularly interesting.
- Published in Interesting
People have their own tastes in food and what combinations they love to have together. Some Americans will go for pickles wrapped in cheese, some prefer popcorn with beans, while others love ice cream smeared on their meatloaf, and that is how it goes on and on.
It's not compulsory that you have to try these food combinations, but they certainly show exactly how our taste buds can be one-of-a-kind. A good number of us have one or two eating patterns that we possibly grew up with way back in our childhood days.
The first year of life is a time of fast emotional, physical, and social growth during which eating patterns are likewise created. During this first year, newborn children go from drinking breast milk or formula to consuming an assortment of food varieties just like an adult diet.
When a particular Twitter user named Michael Realman called for people to cancel each other’s food takes, it hit a weak spot for numerous people. People quickly started commenting on their own "cancelable" food combinations, which hit very close to home, or should we say, the kitchen, for the rest of us.
From baked beans on toast to lemon wedges inside a glass of coke, some of these food combos will make you raise your eyebrows, but then, who am I to decide when I just might have my own pairing?
Keep scrolling to check them out.
Post your cancellable food takes
trichesfauconsAnd the comments flow in...
1. This one is a lot
BenjaminWalkup2. So this tweep says
jmb223923. Oh well, what can I say?
suchhodl4. Oysters, according to this tweep's findings
stanverrett5. The most overrated and overused condiment out there
TorinOtis6. A crime against taste buds
LanierCandy7. This one loves baked beans on toast
lucymuirr8. Are we going to cancel them or not?
yourblakfriend9. For those that think they don't like onions and garlic
DrSeaMonster10. I'd rather have just the beer
dcjhw11. So says this tweep
peachyqueenpdf12. Who is going to try this one?
anxious__latina13. And to this, we say a no no or maybe...
nb_png14. She certainly said what she said
C1017I15. Now what are we going to call this mass food pair?
HenriHelvetica16. The worst of all tomato based sauces
mosconml17. Now it's left to you to decide
patsatweetin18. Hmm...
JimLovesMB19. This comment claims ribs are overrated
Ugawugwa20. I'm sure trying this one out... Or have I?
MikeClayNFL21. A similarity is going on here
Winter22. A delicious sweet and salty crack
greenkayak7323. Coffee with caffeine is like watered down motor oil
stanverrett24. Are you all into this?
WalshMike25. According to this tweep, fried pickles are disgusting
electroloveboat26. You grew what?
noahjones27. Will you have this German treat?
michaeljayallen28. A lover of clotted cream ice cream
DevilsDefend29. "Ranch dressing is awful in everything"
AndrewNordmeier30. You love buffalo sauce not the chicken wings
MrHotDogs209931. Lol... Who feels her pain?
Sifill_LDF32. Raw onions is definitely revolting, or don't you think so?
RedLeics33. Barbecue pizza is the best flavor for this tweep
BobbyOnTheCobby34. Ice cream and balsamic? Anyone?
trichesfaucons35. Uhm... Okay
headiebizz36. Someone has got the fighting spirit
daintyjksits37. Is there a reason to eat a mushroom?
CalebKHawk38. Who's trying?
dogmeatsfood39. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
JustinMBolger40. "Cheese is dumb"
lackofrealismParents can also impact their kids' eating habits in numerous ways. After all, adults effectively make food decisions for the entire family, filling in as the models for dietary patterns.
Kids, likewise, find out more about food by taking note of the eating habits displayed by others. Also, if you are a fan and part of some particular food pairings, make sure to share them in the comments section!