20 Signs That Had Hilariously Unnecessary "Quotation Marks" That Made Everything Sound Ominous
Care for some "fresh" pizza?

Signs are an important part of our society—they keep us in order, help us navigate things, and save us from any potential threats or danger. And no, these aren't the signs we ask from the universe to give us on what we should do with our lives, we are talking about tangible signs we see every day whenever we get out—the ones on the streets, malls, stores, or in any other place that you could think of.
They also enable us to know some things beforehand, like when we pass by a quaint little store and read a sign just outside their door saying that they sell coffee and cupcakes. A little sign indicating if they are open or closed would also allow us to know if it's okay for us to go in or not.
That being said, signs are used to market services and products—but what some people who make these signs don't seem to be aware of is that they need to sound confident in order to sell. After all, good copy is essential these days, because you wouldn't want to drive potential customers away when you aren't even sure of the quality of the service or product that you are trying to advertise, right?
Have you ever come across a sign with a certain word or phrase put inside quotation marks? They aren't necessarily signs of uncertainty, but quotation marks do pose an impression that the writer is being sarcastic with what they are trying to convey.
Many people use quotation marks in their writing or make an air-quote gesture whenever they are hinting at something sarcastic, so it's kind of weird to see it being done in signs who should be giving people clarity instead of more confusion. They are all kind of suspicious-looking, too.
Just take a look at the following photos below and see for yourself!
1. An easy way of driving any passengers away:

2. What kind of "meat service" would that be?

3. Honestly, what is this supposed to say?

4. Someone must have forced them to write the magic word so they just followed begrudgingly. And it shows.

5. But what about fake ice cream?

6. It's great that they are being clear who's working around here, or else we might've thought they were aliens who are just doing part-time work here on Earth.

7. It's scary what "cares" mean on their end.

8. Is that actually a "bread" or was it something else before it morphed into this?

9. What is their definition of "very best," ayway?

10. "On a stick" and "if we can"? Oh, boy.

11. A great way to passive-aggressively greet your "father" who you are angry with. LOL.

12. Ew, this makes us think of fake cheese coming from all sorts of disgusting places.

13. Hmm, it could be a cat!

14. With that sign, we wouldn't have the heart to trust them at all.

15. Are those actual "crabs" or are they artificially-made?

16. That "fresh" pizza sounds really sinister.

17. We don't even want to know what kind of lotion that is.

18. In other words: RUN.

19. This may be the first time we turn down a "beer."

20. Funnily enough, this sounds like stairs that will lead you towards an impending doom.

There is no question that quotation marks can be beneficial in some contexts—but those are usually just used to indicate someone's having a dialogue in a book. Ironically using them in real life, however, may it be with air quotes or in certain signs like this, is just plain hilarious!
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