50 Beautiful Photos Of People Appreciating Their Unique Genes And Physical Appearances
Clearly, some people are born with genes that set them apart from the rest of us.

Accepting yourself as you are and coming to terms with your appearance can take years to achieve. Our genes determine our physical appearance and even our personalities, though environmental factors such as upbringing, education, and friends can also have an impact on who we are.
Genes are information units that living things pass down to their offspring. Genes contain information that is coded to produce proteins that shape our physical appearances and personalities.
Some people are born with genes that set them apart from the rest of us. However, some people are born with genes that make them have shortcomings compared to average individuals or even look entirely different from others.
Because of this disparity, getting through the day can be much more difficult. That's why it's so inspiring to see people who aren't afraid to show their skin or accept their overall physical appearance.
As a result, we decided to compile a carefully curated list of photos posted by people with unusual and rare body features. This list includes pear-shaped pupils, unusual skin color, unusually long arms and so much more.
Despite the difficulties they face on a daily basis, these people choose to live their lives with a positive attitude and self-esteem. And that is certainly something to be proud of and celebrate.
1. I Have Skeeter Syndrome (Allergic To Mosquito Saliva)

2. Stef Sanjati Was Born With A Rare Condition Called Waardenburg Syndrome. It Is A Genetic Mutation Which Gives The Individual Wide-Set Eyes

3. Was Born With Some Extra Skin On My Ear, So I Figured It Had To Be Done

4. I Have Abnormally Long Arms

5. My Name Is Sara I Have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Classical And Dermatosparaxis)
EDS is a connective tissue disorder that inhibits the body’s ability to produce collagen As a consequence, Geurts has skin that wrinkles prematurely and makes her look older than she is.

6. Sectoral Heterochromia. People Always Comment On My Eyes, So I Thought I Should Post A Picture

7. My Hands After Washing The Dishes For 20 Minutes

8. Shilah Madison Was Born With A Condition Because Of Which Her Hair Constantly Stands Up
The "Uncomfortable hair syndrome" is quite painful and the hair often breaks off from the roots, explains her mother.

9. Her Birthmark Created Awesome Highlights

10. Both Of My Eyes Are Split Between Two Colors

11. Bam Syndrome Is A Rare Genetic Disorder In Which Children Are Born With A Small Nose Or No Nose At All. Also, They May Have Problems With Vision And Their Eyes

12. Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Is Visible Pigmented Spots On The Skin Present At Birth. They Usually Are Brown, Tan, Pink, Or Black. Some Moles Produce Dark, Coarse Hair

13. I Was Born With A Hole At The Top Of My Ear That Used To “Cry” When I Cried As A Baby

14. I Have Muscle Hypertrophy (Muscles Grow Big Without Exercise). I Got Botox In My Jaw Yesterday Because Of This

15. I Traced Around My Vitiligo Spots

16. I Have A Freckle On My Eye

17. Hypertrichosis. Jesus Was Born With A Rare Genetic Mutation Called Hypertrichosis, Which Has Left Him With Excessive Hair Growth That Can Occur Anywhere On The Body

18. I Was Born With Naturally Pointed Ears

19. I Have A Skin Condition Called Dermatographia Due To Which Lightly Scratching My Skin Causes Raised, Red Lines Where I've Scratched

20. This Little Girl's Big, Beautiful Eyes Are Due To A Rare Genetic Syndrome Called Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome

21. Here’s A Picture Of The Hand I Was Born With

22. Mother And Child With Poliosis

23. Two Cowlicks In Different Directions

24. I Have Full Heterochromia

25. I Have Somewhat Long Thumbs

26. This Toe, With It's Own Toe, Complete With It's Own Nail

27. There's A Patch On My Leg That Doesn't Get Goosebumps

28. There's A Tooth In My Chin

29. Where's My White Lash Enjoyers At? Just Wanted To Remind Everyone We Are Beautiful Because/Despite Our Vitiligo

30. Congenital Melanocytic Nevus. It Appears As A Circumscribed, Light Brown To Black Patch, Covering Any Size Surface Area And Any Part Of The Body

31. Vitiligo Is A Disease That Causes Loss Of Skin Color In Patches

32. I Had No Fingernails All My Life

33. Unique Birthmark

34. Interesting Iris Pattern (It Doesn’t Affect Vision)

35. My Little Sister Was Born With Six Fingers

36. I Had Identical Twin Girls, And One Ear On One Of The Baby Is An Elf Ear

37. My Dad Has Something Called A Bifid Thumb Or Pre-Axial Polydactyly. About 1 Out Every 1000 Babies Have It. This Was The Thumb Of Our Uber Delivery Guy

38. Fell Asleep On A Chair. I Apparently Have Remarkably Level Shoulders

39. Rare And Unique Genetic Condition Which Is Known As Waardenburg Syndrome. It Can Cause Hearing Loss And Changes In Coloring (Pigmentation) Of The Hair, Skin, And Eyes

40. I Have Vitiligo And Heterochromia

41. I Have A Pear-Shaped Pupil

42. My Girlfriend's Birthmark In Her Eye

43. My Wife's Eye That Her Doctor Told Her Was The Weirdest He'd Ever Seen

44. Heterochromia

45. Twin Girls Have Achondroplasia. This Genetic Disorder Is Characterized By A Large Head, Short Arms And Legs, Short Stature, Prominent Forehead, And Flat Nasal Bridge

46. A Photo A Friend Took A While Back Of My Eyes Which Shows My Rare Eye Condition, Double Coloboma (Of The Iris And Retina). I Have This In Both Eyes

47. None Of My Fingers (Or Toes) Have Middle Knuckles, And It's Hereditary

48. I Have This Thing Called Raynaud’s Disease. This Happens Every Time I Get Cold

49. Chimeras Are Organisms With Two Different Sets Of DNA. Human Chimerism Is Rare, But Its Characteristics Are: Two Distinct Red Blood Cell Lineages Or Skin Pigmentation

50. Neonatal Progeria Or Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome. A Progressive Genetic Disorder That Causes Children To Age Rapidly, Starting In Their First Two Years Of Life

In a world where social media celebrates people for being fake about their appearance, we can't help but admire those who are comfortable with their shortcomings or uniqueness. There would be less media and peer pressure if people could accept themselves the way they are wholeheartedly.
We know these people’s acceptance of themselves really amazed you. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
