Woman Gives Nephew Fish To Eat, And Now Her BIL Is Mad About Her "Undermining" Their Parenting

This is an odd thing to get upset about on their part as the situation isn't that serious.

Woman Gives Nephew Fish To Eat, And Now Her BIL Is Mad About Her "Undermining" Their Parenting

We're back at it again with another Reddit post, and this one we are looking into is from the AITA thread. The AITA thread is a thread that we love to look into a lot, and we have a lot of posts regarding this thread because of how interesting it can be to read.

With this being said, we are looking at a post that was submitted by a woman who wants to know if she's in the wrong for "undermining" her sister and BIL's parenting authority. Essentially, there are more details to this story that you'll have to know, but we think that OP had good intentions with what she was doing, so we don't get why they were upset.

Ultimately, OP's BIL was mad at her for giving their son a sandwich because he was hungry and didn't like the fish that they ate. Once you hear all the details, you will be able to better understand why this is happening and why they were even trying to get him to eat fish anyway.

So let's dive in so we can look into the full original post nd all of the best comments on it. If you're interested in reading the full story, then stay tuned.

OP starts off her post like this where she talks about the kids and her BIL and sister's situation.

OP starts off her post like this where she talks about the kids and her BIL and sister's situation.

Then she gets into Noah, who is supposedly a picky eater, and this is what started the whole problem here.

Then she gets into Noah, who is supposedly a picky eater, and this is what started the whole problem here.

It seems like OP did a good job with trying to get him to eat and just making things more comfortable for him.

It seems like OP did a good job with trying to get him to eat and just making things more comfortable for him.

This is day two and it seems like he still doesn't want to eat it. Maybe he just doesn't like fish.

This is day two and it seems like he still doesn't want to eat it. Maybe he just doesn't like fish.

The parents and her sister seem a little adamant about this, which is giving us just weird vibes about it, honestly.

The parents and her sister seem a little adamant about this, which is giving us just weird vibes about it, honestly.

Clearly, the kid doesn't like the fish or doesn't want to eat the fish. I don't know that he should be forced.

Clearly, the kid doesn't like the fish or doesn't want to eat the fish. I don't know that he should be forced.

I would feel bad if I was OP and this was happening because it's sad and he shouldn't be forced to eat something he doesn't like.

I would feel bad if I was OP and this was happening because it's sad and he shouldn't be forced to eat something he doesn't like.

This is when things got heated and OP's BIL came to pick up his son.

This is when things got heated and OP's BIL came to pick up his son.

We don't get why OP's BIL was so upset about this because OP seemed to not do anything wrong.

We don't get why OP's BIL was so upset about this because OP seemed to not do anything wrong.

Again we are just so surprised with how they reacted to this because the kid did nothing wrong.

Again we are just so surprised with how they reacted to this because the kid did nothing wrong.

Over 1,000 people agree with this comment and we have to agree with this too honestly.

Over 1,000 people agree with this comment and we have to agree with this too honestly.StonewallBrugade21

I'd be worried too because this was an extreme way to react and it's clear that they are not on the same page either.

I'd be worried too because this was an extreme way to react and it's clear that they are not on the same page either.throwaway_fishissue

This is my opinion as well, and a lot of people think like this though so it's not really surprising,

This is my opinion as well, and a lot of people think like this though so it's not really surprising,minnerlo

People were kind of confused as to why OP's BIL and sister were upset about this situation or why they were even trying to feed their son fish anyway. It's an interesting situation and hopefully the BIL and sister can get on the same page and OP gets to spend time with her nephews again.
