Greedy Uncle Tries To Manipulate And Intimidate His Nephew Into Giving Up Half Of His $400,000 Inheritance To Give To His Son

He even used his mom, the testator of the will, the 95-year-old who has dementia to scare his nephew

Greedy Uncle Tries To Manipulate And Intimidate His Nephew Into Giving Up Half Of His $400,000 Inheritance To Give To His Son

Losing a loved one is a difficult enough ordeal. On top of that, when there are properties and finances involved, drama is inevitable.

The departed may leave an ironclad last will and testament but some slighted family member will always show up to demand more. They feel as if they deserve more than what they got.

These are the kind of people who would happily take everything if they think they can get away with it. OP's uncle is cut from the same cloth as those people.

He is the trustee of his 95-year-old mother's irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) valued at $800,000. The beneficiaries of the trust were this greedy uncle and OP's mom.

OP's mom passed away from cancer two years ago and the terms of the trust make it so that her portion of it will be passed on to OP. A week after being informed of the ILIT's existence, OP got a call from his uncle — the other beneficiary.

He told him that his son is entitled to half of OP's $400,000. He told OP this is their grandmother's choice.

OP asked his uncle if he will also give his son half of his inheritance and he said no because he is the son, not just a grandson. If OP agrees, his uncle will have him sign a contract stating that he is giving up half of his inheritance.

A week later, OP started receiving angry and confused phone calls from his grandmother who has dementia, demanding that he give his cousin half of the money

A week later, OP started receiving angry and confused phone calls from his grandmother who has dementia, demanding that he give his cousin half of the moneyu/wildbillpaxton75

It's obvious to OP that his uncle is coaching his mother what to say because she cannot answer OP's questions clearly

It's obvious to OP that his uncle is coaching his mother what to say because she cannot answer OP's questions clearlyu/wildbillpaxton75

She also asked OP if he wanted to be cut out from their family because of his greed. Plus, his uncle's wife joined in on the harassment and called OP a bad grandson who has no real relationship with his grandmother.

She also asked OP if he wanted to be cut out from their family because of his greed. Plus, his uncle's wife joined in on the harassment and called OP a bad grandson who has no real relationship with his grandmother.u/wildbillpaxton75

The truth came out when OP's uncle told him that his grandmother's estate will likely amount to nothing after her death which means his son will get zero dollars. Should OP give in to his uncle's demands and give half of his trust?

The truth came out when OP's uncle told him that his grandmother's estate will likely amount to nothing after her death which means his son will get zero dollars. Should OP give in to his uncle's demands and give half of his trust?u/wildbillpaxton75

OP shouldn't be intimidated by his uncle's dirty tricks. It's time to only communicate through lawyers because this will only escalate.

OP shouldn't be intimidated by his uncle's dirty tricks. It's time to only communicate through lawyers because this will only escalate.MsBaseball34

His uncle is taking advantage of his mother because of his greed

His uncle is taking advantage of his mother because of his greedEconomyVoice7358

Talking about expected inheritance money while the person is still alive is so callous

Talking about expected inheritance money while the person is still alive is so callousKrazzy4u, wildbillpaxton75

A lawyer advised OP why his uncle's intimidation should alarm him

A lawyer advised OP why his uncle's intimidation should alarm himJujulabee

Her grandmother's estate and trust were divided fairly. OP's uncle has no stand to ground on when he's demanding half of what OP's mom was entitled to if she was alive.

Her grandmother's estate and trust were divided fairly. OP's uncle has no stand to ground on when he's demanding half of what OP's mom was entitled to if she was alive.Jujulabee

OP's dad is also urging him to file a complaint against his uncle for elder abuse

OP's dad is also urging him to file a complaint against his uncle for elder abusejenna_grows, wildbillpaxton75

His dad is not alone since complete strangers online are on edge with his uncle's manipulative behavior towards his ailing mother

His dad  is not alone since complete strangers online are on edge with his uncle's manipulative behavior towards his ailing motheropinionswelcomehere, wildbillpaxton75

OP has cut ties with his uncle after he also threatened him that OP will be dividing their family if he doesn't agree to his uncle's demands

OP has cut ties with his uncle after he also threatened him that OP will be dividing their family if he doesn't agree to his uncle's demandsNumerous-Present-478, wildbillpaxton75

His cousin may be the only hope to help his uncle see reason

His cousin may be the only hope to help his uncle see reasonmaroongrad, wildbillpaxton75

OP, at the urging of Redditors, spoke to a lawyer who told him not to believe anything his greedy uncle says

OP, at the urging of Redditors, spoke to a lawyer who told him not to believe anything his greedy uncle sayswildbillpaxton75

He is basically stealing from his dead sister and his unwell mom. What an upstanding person.

He is basically stealing from his dead sister and his unwell mom. What an upstanding person.EmeraldBlueZen

OP's uncle is afraid that his mother's medical needs will siphon all of her money, leaving nothing for his son

OP's uncle is afraid that his mother's medical needs will siphon all of her money, leaving nothing for his sonwildbillpaxton75, chaosworker22

He is so entitled that he believes his mom's money is already for him to distribute to whomever he chooses

He is so entitled that he believes his mom's money is already for him to distribute to whomever he choosesKimberellaroo

OP's aunt is wrong, he is a great grandson who is just protecting his grandmother's and mom's last gift to him

OP's aunt is wrong, he is a great grandson who is just protecting his grandmother's and mom's last gift to himwildbillpaxton75

People really do show their true colors once a large amount of money is involved. Greediness is not a good look on anyone and it certainly didn't improve our opinion of OP's uncle.

Listening to complete strangers online can sometimes yield positive results. We hope OP and his grandmother can have a great relationship despite his uncle's hurtful meddling.
