21 Before And After Photos From Ukraine That Show The True Horrors Of War

This comparison shows the true evil that is war.

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21 Before And After Photos From Ukraine That Show The True Horrors Of War

It's been over a week since Russia decided to invade Ukraine and start this terrible war. In the beginning, things weren't going according to plan for the aggressor as the Kremlin forces were organized, and they made very little progress.

Regardless of the heroic defending shown by the Ukrainian soldiers, Russia has been pushing harder and harder to break the Ukrainian soldiers, and they continue to advance every day. Since day one, we've seen that one of Russia's main tactics includes the constant bombing of Ukrainian towns and cities.

The amount of destruction caused by these bombs has been absurd. Regular civilians are made to suffer as they watch their towns and cities get destroyed by the evil war machine.

Russia's merciless bombardment has been targeting residential areas all across Ukraine which has caused more than a million refugees to flee from the country. Millions more are expected to leave the country in the following days as they watch their homes being destroyed on daily basis.

In a short period, we've seen all sorts of buildings being completely ruined by Russia's shelling. This has left the country in an awful state, and places that used to be beautiful are now reduced to dust.

The best way to see the true damage caused by this war is by taking a look at these photos showing how places in Ukraine looked before being destroyed.

1. This is just one of the schools in Ukraine which has been destroyed so far.

1. This is just one of the schools in Ukraine which has been destroyed so far.EduardoAndere

2. A beautiful residential area reduced to rubble.

2. A beautiful residential area reduced to rubble.

3. A photo of Kharkov, a city in Ukraine, before and after the war started.

3. A photo of Kharkov, a city in Ukraine, before and after the war started.sjeeva26

4. All I can say is, that does not look like a military target.

4. All I can say is, that does not look like a military target.KamilHeyka

5. Another beautiful neighborhood left unrecognizable by the constant bombings.

5. Another beautiful neighborhood left unrecognizable by the constant bombings.GuntasSingh26

6. This photo of a playground in front of a destroyed school shows us who the real victims of a war are.

6. This photo of a playground in front of a destroyed school shows us who the real victims of a war are.

7. Just another example of the atrocities done by Russia, a chunk missing out of a residential building.

7. Just another example of the atrocities done by Russia, a chunk missing out of a residential building.withukraine

8. What a powerful photo.

8. What a powerful photo.Александра Моргун

9. You can see how bleak and lifeless the area looks after the destruction.

9. You can see how bleak and lifeless the area looks after the destruction.

10. Just another military target, I guess.

10. Just another military target, I guess.

11. Nothing but ruins on the streets of Ukraine.

11. Nothing but ruins on the streets of Ukraine.FahimShahahriar

12. A magnificent building left unrecognizable.

12. A magnificent building left unrecognizable.

13. The city of Kharkov has been one of the main targets so far.

13. The city of Kharkov has been one of the main targets so far.withukraine

14. No more joy, no more color.

14. No more joy, no more color.RYP__

15. Everything is left engulfed in smoke.

15. Everything is left engulfed in smoke.FahimShahahriar

16. A building in Ivankiv engulfed in smoke and fire.

16. A building in Ivankiv engulfed in smoke and fire.withukraine

17. Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, has been under heavy fire as well.

17. Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, has been under heavy fire as well.withukraine

18. Everything just looks so dead after the war began.

18. Everything just looks so dead after the war began.withukraine

19. So sad to see such beauty destroyed.

19. So sad to see such beauty destroyed.withukraine

20. Airports in Ukraine were an important target for bombings.

20. Airports in Ukraine were an important target for bombings.AuroraIntel

21. Independence Square in Kiev.

21. Independence Square in Kiev.Getty Images

War was and always will be one of the worst things on Earth. In the end, there are no real winners, and all we're left with is destruction.

Countless people have lost their homes and too many innocent people lost their lives in this chaos. I hope these photos show you exactly how terrible this war has been and give you a moment to reflect on the harsh reality of the ongoing crisis.
