Brilliant Photographer Chooses The Ugliest Locations Possible For Her Photoshoots Just To Prove That Skill Matters
Skill matters indeed.
- Published in Interesting
There's a huge difference between being a pro and amateur photographer, and it's all about how both these people perceive things visually. What an amateur photographer might perceive as a bland and boring looking background can be turned into gold by a professional photographer who has mastered his profession perfectly. In order to challenge herself, photographer Jenna Martin picked Lowe’s as her shooting spot:
“Instead of searching out the usual beautiful locations around where we live, I had the idea to do just the opposite,” she wrote on PetaPixel.
“I wanted to go somewhere ‘ugly’ by all conventional photography standards and then see what we could do with it. Lowe’s seemed like the perfect option.”
“I wanted somewhere with horrible lighting and limited backdrops. Somewhere that made absolutely no sense for a photo shoot.”
Before starting the photo shoot, Martin decided to limit her resources and set up some ground rules:
1. They weren't allowed to modify the backgrounds in any way, and that includes the natural lighting there.
2. It is strictly forbidden to rearrange the displays in there or make any major changes.
3. If anyone popped up in the background they should immediately stop shooting.
“As soon as we walked in an employee asked if they could help us and I asked, “We were just going to take a few photos, is that okay?” He replied, “Of course! I was just wondering why she was so overdressed for a trip to the hardware store!””
“Overall, this was a really fun challenge! Not that I’d invite an actual client to ever do a Lowe’s photo shoot (I mean, never say never), but I was pretty happy with the result! Horrible location for the win! Next time you see an awful spot, maybe give it a chance, you never know what you might end up with.”