Twitter User Starts Viral Thread Celebrating Black Women In Fantasy Photography

Every photo is utterly breathtaking.

Twitter User Starts Viral Thread Celebrating Black Women In Fantasy Photography

If it's been said once, it's been said a thousand times (and we'll say it time and time again, too): representation matters. The person behind the Twitter handle “@btsanima” definitely gets it.

She noticed that there's not enough representation for Black women in fantasy and to combat that lack of diversity she started an entire Twitter thread to sharing and celebrating Fantasy Photography featuring Black women. She captioned it, "Black women in fantasy photography thread [because] even though our presence is small, I will not be deterred.”

The original tweet has been liked over a quarter million times and has been retweeted and interacted with over 72k times! Obviously, people were ready and willing to join the celebration!

Truly Magical

Truly Magicallillianliuphotography

An Elfin Princess

An Elfin Princesstopheroriel

A Queen

A Queenanniebertramphoto

Biblical, Magical, Amazing

Biblical, Magical, Amazinganniebertramphoto

Vampire Goddess

Vampire Goddessagnieszka_lorek

Egyptian Queen

Egyptian Queenjosefienhoekstra


Romantic thewitchinghourphotography

Spiritually Incredible

Spiritually Incredibleanniebertramphoto

Gorgeous Princess

Gorgeous Princessmaria_lipina

Golden, Gorgeous Goddess

Golden, Gorgeous Goddessdefotograafsanne

Warrior Elfin Princess

Warrior Elfin Princesssimplysavannahart

Golden Magic

Golden Magicbellakotak

Ready for a Renaissance Adventure

Ready for a Renaissance Adventurethewitchinghourphotography

Snow Queen

Snow Queenmaria_lipina

Artistic Magic

Artistic Magicthewitchinghourphotography

Viking Princess Warrior

Viking Princess Warrioranniebertramphoto

Day of the Living Dead

Day of the Living Deadnewo_imagery

Sunshine Fairy

Sunshine Fairydanielamajic_

Mystical Princess

Mystical PrincessAndrewMBlake

Voodoo Queen

Voodoo QueenAndrewMBlake

Smoother than Medusa

Smoother than Medusanewo_imagery

Ancient Beauty

Ancient Beautybekkabjorke

A Mysterious Enigma

A Mysterious Enigmathewitchinghourphotography

Purple is In

Purple is Indefotograafsanne

A Whole New Queen

A Whole New Queennewo_imagery

Emerald Jungle

Emerald Junglemaria_lipina

Mermaid Magic

Mermaid Magicspoiledcherry

A Fairytail Story

A Fairytail Storysimplysavannahart

Quothe the Raven

Quothe the Raven_katerinaplotnikova_

Burst of Fire

Burst of FireGlassSpiider

Trembling, but not from the cold.

Trembling, but not from the cold.maria_lipina

Gogeous Gothic

Gogeous Gothicanniebertramphoto

Sun Kissed

Sun Kissedbekkabjorke

Magical Princess

Magical Princessemackphoto

Elfin Warrior Queen

Elfin Warrior Queensimplysavannahart

Ballet Beauty

Ballet Beautynewo_imagery

Purple Eloquence

Purple Eloquencemaria_lipina

Warrior Goddess

Warrior GoddessAndrewMBlake

A Rose Garden

A Rose Gardendressesandcapes

Mysterious Mistress

Mysterious MistressTaylorAsylum

A Ray of Sunshine

A Ray of Sunshinespoiledcherry

Warrior, Queen, Champion

Warrior, Queen, ChampionFahrLight

Better than Disney

Better than Disneyspoiledcherry

Sweet Pea Princess

Sweet Pea PrincessAndrewMBlake