Redditor Replaces Himself With His Twin Brother At A Party To Prove His Wife's Family Don't Like Him
We all need a Steve!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have an identical twin? And how much fun the two of you could have playing pranks on people by switching places?
Well, Reddit user u/twinbrother88 recently shared a story in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit about doing exactly that. The OP explained that he has an identical twin brother.
The OP says he has been telling his wife for a while now that none of her family members ever take notice or show any interest in him. His wife said that wasn't the case, so the OP made a deal with her that on Christmas Eve she should take his twin brother Steve to her family gathering and see if anyone noticed the difference.
The OP purposely didn't give Steve any background information, he just gave him $20 and sent him in clueless. Sure enough, Steve confirmed that none of the OP's wife's family noticed the difference.
He said that none of them approached him all night, and he felt uncomfortable the entire time. So, on Christmas Day, the OP revealed his little prank to his wife's family, telling them he was disappointed that nobody even noticed.
But now the OP's wife is upset that he confronted her family and didn't just keep it between the three of them. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.
The OP asked if he's an a**hole for replacing himself with his twin brother at a party.

He explained that his wife's family has never shown any interest in him, and he feels awkward attending their family gatherings.

So, the OP made a deal with his wife that she should bring his twin brother to their Christmas Eve dinner to see if anyone noticed.

The OP's twin brother confirmed that no one approached him all night and he felt uncomfortable.

On Christmas Day, the OP revealed to the family what they had done and that he was disappointed that no one noticed.

Now the OP's wife is upset that he revealed the prank to her family.

Here's how people reacted.

"This is some sitcom sh*t."

"Firmly in YTA territory."

"Sounds like the plot to a wacky Hallmark Christmas movie."

"You definitely seem like a drama queen."


"Not cool."

"Not good for the marriage."

We all need a Steve!

"You'll never win people over like that."

"Your in-laws might have good reasons to exclude you."

"You hit the jackpot."


It was "warranted."

"Use this as an example."

"You should have kept it between you and your wife."

What's your take on this situation? Do you think the OP was out of line for playing the prank on his wife's family, or was it fair that he wanted to prove his point?
We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
