Some of The Best Dark Humor Posts From Tumblr

They are all hilarious.

  • Published in Tumblr
Some of The Best Dark Humor Posts From Tumblr

There is a legend of a person that went on Tumblr and was found it boring. Of course, like all legends, there is little evidence of it. No one met this person; everyone knows a guy that knows a guy…

Yeah, we don’t buy it. Tumblr has everything. You want funny; Tumblr has got it. You want weird? How weird do you want it to be? You want odd; you won’t believe your eyes. You want everything; how much of everything do you want? Tumblr is awesome.

We have collected some of the shiniest examples of dark humor on Tumblr, and we know you are going to enjoy them.

1. Great eulogy.

1. Great eulogy.Tumblr

2. Then you should stop doing that.

2. Then you should stop doing that.Tumblr

3. Some simple questions do that, you know….

3. Some simple questions do that, you know….Tumblr

4. I will never eat again.

4. I will never eat again.Tumblr

5. Don’t sell that man a big bathtub.

5. Don’t sell that man a big bathtub.Tumblr

6. How can he make fun of such a tragedy?

6. How can he make fun of such a tragedy?Tumblr

7. A true nightmare.

7. A true nightmare.Tumblr

8. This is so dark. Why?

8. This is so dark. Why?Tumblr

9. Wrong audience.

9. Wrong audience.Tumblr

10. That’s not the Scooby I remember.

10.  That’s not the Scooby I remember.Tumblr

11. Oh, it’s Sims.

11. Oh, it’s Sims.Tumblr

12. Unexpected.

12. Unexpected.Tumblr

13. Yeah, you need to clarify.

13. Yeah, you need to clarify.Tumblr

14. Stabbed by his son.

14. Stabbed by his son.Tumblr