Truth Potato Tells The Bitter Truth And It Will Have You Thinking About Your Life

Some of us need the truth even though it hurts.

Elzaan Van der merwe
  • Published in Funny
Truth Potato Tells The Bitter Truth And It Will Have You Thinking About Your Life

The truth hurts, we all know this. It's the first thing we learn when we go from child to teenager. It sucks when you get hurt, by your friends or family, but it's better than being lied to and being kept in the dark.

That's why truth potato was designed to tell us humans that have cloths over our eyes the truth about our lives that we don't seem to recognize and see.

Now you ask what is truth potato? Well, it's exactly what the words say. It's a comic potato that tells the bitter truth about life and how we live it.

He's cute though, so you can't be angry at him even if you tried.

1. Your life is a dream.

1. Your life is a dream.Instagram

2. Yes, but we still do it on a daily basis

2. Yes, but we still do it on a daily basisInstagram

3. No valid reason that is.

3. No valid reason that is.Instagram

4. Idiots everywhere!

4. Idiots everywhere!Instagram

5. Let them go.

5. Let them go.Instagram

6. So sad, but the truth.

6. So sad, but the truth.Instagram

7. No one will wait for you.

7. No one will wait for you.Instagram

8. Because we feel bad to say 'no' to someone.

8. Because we feel bad to say 'no' to someone.Instagram

9. Enjoy the trip of life.

9. Enjoy the trip of life.Instagram

10. They just don't feel like talking to you.

10. They just don't feel like talking to you.Instagram

11. Well, it's debatable.

11. Well, it's debatable.Instagram

12. You can be sitting and doing nothing, while being busy.

12. You can be sitting and doing nothing, while being busy.Instagram

13. No, it's not!

13. No, it's not!Instagram

14. No, but we owe the world for the best life ever.

14. No, but we owe the world for the best life ever.Instagram

15. Most of the time they will be rude.

15. Most of the time they will be rude.Instagram

16. Your actions show what person you are.

16. Your actions show what person you are.Instagram

17. Everybody has their own devil's to fight.

17. Everybody has their own devil's to fight.Instagram

18. Start focusing more on your gains.

18. Start focusing more on your gains.Instagram

19. Just make sure you are happy.

19. Just make sure you are happy.Instagram

20. Only thing that matters is what you think about yourself.

20. Only thing that matters is what you think about yourself.Instagram

21. Probably like 1% of the world.

21. Probably like 1% of the world.Instagram

22. Learn to forgive and forget.

22. Learn to forgive and forget.Instagram

23. Go out and get what you want!

23. Go out and get what you want!Instagram

24. There will never only be just one road.

24. There will never only be just one road.Instagram

25. It will never be perfect.

25. It will never be perfect.Instagram

26. Everyone is unique in their own way.

26. Everyone is unique in their own way.Instagram

27. When you fail, just try again.

27. When you fail, just try again.Instagram

28. They always do.

28. They always do.Instagram

29. Everything has to come to an end.

29. Everything has to come to an end.Instagram

30. If you follow the rules you miss all the fun.

30. If you follow the rules you miss all the fun.Instagram

31. You have to change to adapt to the world.

31. You have to change to adapt to the world.Instagram

32. Yes, nobody can say they aren't.

32. Yes, nobody can say they aren't.Instagram

33. Sh*t happens!

33. Sh*t happens!Instagram

34. Nothing is free in life.

34. Nothing is free in life.Instagram

35. Nobody stays forever.

35. Nobody stays forever.Instagram

36. Everybody has masks.

36. Everybody has masks.Instagram

37. Everyone is biased in some way.

37. Everyone is biased in some way.Instagram

38. Time is the most important thing in the world.

38. Time is the most important thing in the world.Instagram

39. We can be awful to each other sometimes.

39. We can be awful to each other sometimes.Instagram

40. You won't ever be perfect, realise that now.

40. You won't ever be perfect, realise that now.Instagram

41. Some souls are lost.

41. Some souls are lost.Instagram

42. Will you dare to go out into the world?

42. Will you dare to go out into the world?Instagram

43. Memories last forever.

43. Memories last forever.Instagram

44. Yes, I suppose.

44. Yes, I suppose.Instagram

45. Start writing the future.

45. Start writing the future.Instagram

46. But pleasure is pleasure.

46. But pleasure is pleasure.Instagram

47. We are out of control all the time.

47. We are out of control all the time.Instagram

48. You just get better.

48. You just get better.Instagram

49. Stories that people will hopefully remember.

49. Stories that people will hopefully remember.Instagram

50. Take a break once in a while.

50. Take a break once in a while.Instagram

51. Don't give anyone the opportunity to cheat you.

51. Don't give anyone the opportunity to cheat you.Instagram
Elzaan Van der merwe