30 Things That Differentiate The Rich From The Truly Filthy Rich
As they say, "Money talks but wealth whispers."

How do the rich live? We all have our own ideas about that.
Some come from stories about the lavish lifestyles of the rich and famous involving champagne fountains, yachts, closets of designer clothes, garages full of sports cars, and the like. Others come from what we see on social media and what the media portrays.
Take the Kardashian family. They're prime examples of the rich and the famous who seem like can do whatever they want with their deep pockets.
And though not every family member does it, they have a way of flaunting their wealth and privilege to the world. Other rich people though, often the richest and most successful, do the complete opposite.
Instead of using up their wealth every chance they could, they actually live absolutely basic lives just like the rest of us. Sure, they might have nicer things than us but they don't use their wealth to bathe in splendor and excess.
They simply choose not to.
These people were the topic of discussion on a Reddit thread that started with the question, "They say 'Money talks but wealth whispers,' what are the subtle signs of wealth?" And people who have seen these signs are painting out the difference between the rich and the filthy rich.
Here are some of the best answers.
1.By this guys experience, the filthy rich truly valued knowledge and manners

2. They understand what's truly valuable in this world

3. They know it themselves and they don't need the acknowledgement of the world for it

4. They're comfortable enough knowing they won't ever miss out on something

5. When you have wealth that can last you a lifetime, you let it speak for you not the other way around

6. Quality over anything all the time

7. That's the best way to describe it

8. Rich and wealthy are two different things

9. The truly rich don't care about the logo

10. Investing in your health takes money

11. It's not always the case

12. They know the secret to wealth

13. You need quality footwear if you're always going places after all

14. The truly rich aren't afraid to get down and dirty

15. There are dangers to being really rich

16. It's the freedom they have that makes it obvios

17. It's not easy to pick out the millionaires just by how they look

18. They don't need to

19. No price in any store can scare the truly rich

20. Discretion is one of their most common operating mode

21. Their wealth often shows in knowledge and manners

22. They don't earn money for the luxury goods but for the freedom in life to do what they actually want to do

23. It's like it's innate in them to know how to look put-together

24. They eat for the health benefits or experience

25. It's a sign of high quality

26. Why do it yourself when it's already there or when there's someone to save you the time of doing it?

27. They go for the ones their children can inherit

28. It's about cutting out the unnecessary costs

29. They don't need to fit the bill because they know they do

30. Nice things are just part of their daily life

As we've seen from these patterns, the truly rich don't really need to declare themselves to have nearly bottomless pockets. They don't need to prove it because there's no need to.
Also, another trend we've seen is that they don't do it for luxury goods. They do the hard work to get more freedom to do the things they actually want to do in life.
Do you have any more observations like these? Tell us!
