30 Twitter Users Share True Facts That Are Simply Too Weird To Believe

“Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Tito, and Freud all lived within 2 square miles of each other in Vienna in 1913.” Nice neighborhood.

30 Twitter Users Share True Facts That Are Simply Too Weird To Believe

People are curious animals that want to know things even if they don't directly benefit us. Some of us even go to university to study subjects that aren't very practical, but we simply want to gain knowledge in that sector, even though finding a job or applying that information practically will be difficult.

But now we have the internet. It's difficult to fathom a world without the internet and the ability to research answers to random questions that arise throughout the day.

We have access to the entire world's knowledge, history, and art, and we learn a lot of useless but fascinating information. The issue is that there are a lot of made-up facts in it.

Because it can seem so convincing, it can be difficult to tell what is true and what is untrue. However, the world is insane, and some incidents may appear so absurd that you mistake them for a falsehood.

In a Twitter thread started by @EricMGarcia, who asked, "What is a fact that sounds like a s**tpost but is 100 % real?" others shared this kind of odd knowledge that seems phony but is factual.

These truths seem absurd because they contradict our existing understanding of the universe and knowledge, but they are really true. We have selected 30 of the most interesting answers.

Take a look, maybe you will learn something new.

Eric asked:

Eric asked:EricMGarcia

People looked up the info and responded:

People looked up the info and responded:YellowDog (not the actual photo)

1. Johnny be good

1. Johnny be goodpattonoswalt

2. So sad

2. So sadRebeccaforWA

3. Oh, boy

3. Oh, boyaspihistorian

4. Samuel Beckett and Andre the Giant

4. Samuel Beckett and Andre the Giantgregorylevey

5. Mummy Brown

5. Mummy BrownCSMFHT

6. Joe Russo who?

6. Joe Russo who?morganhousel

7. Democrats and Batman

7. Democrats and Batmanjacobfhsmith

8. What a woman

8. What a womanDemonBob_Badman

9. Faxing

9. FaxingPatriot_Pat1

10. Well informed

10. Well informedEricMGarcia

11. Wow

11. WowBlackBernieBabe

12. Weird choices

12. Weird choicesAnimalExtender

13. First we gonna se a space movie, and then go see a public execution by guillotine

13. First we gonna se a space movie, and then go see a public execution by guillotinePatriot_Pat1

14. Nice neighborhood

14. Nice neighborhoodLavenderNRed

15. Healthcare system at its finest

15. Healthcare system at its finestDemonBob_Badman

16. Salmons and sharks

16. Salmons and sharksAnimalExtender

17. That Nixon again...

17. That Nixon again...JosephMiller41

18. Well, they say that Military Intelligence is an oxymoron...and they are right.

18. Well, they say that Military Intelligence is an oxymoron...and they are right.OliverTrollArmy

19. ZZ Top beginnings...

19. ZZ Top beginnings...BFSkinnerstan

20. Meme

20. MemeAlanRMacLeod

21. Off to the beach to check it out

21. Off to the beach to check it outHelenKennedy

22. That's some flying. A true hero.

22. That's some flying. A true hero.MaxKennerly

23. Oh, how the tables have turned!

23. Oh, how the tables have turned!MaraWilson

24. Ironic, isn't it?

24. Ironic, isn't it?nasila8

25. Big bang

25. Big bangAugustJPollak

26. Segregation was not that long ago…

26. Segregation was not that long ago…thejackweller

27. See things with your imagination

27. See things with your imaginationdieselnyc1

28. Birds are fast learners

28. Birds are fast learnersa__spaceman

29. And then we stopped.

29. And then we stopped.robintjohnson8

30. Starlings don't waste time...

30. Starlings don't waste time...mcmillen

People are inquisitive animals that enjoy learning new things, even if it does not directly help us. Even if it is worthless information that you can't use for your own survival, we derive pleasure from discovering facts like how two unrelated persons lived at the same moment in history or that all of the Solar system planets would fit between the Moon and the Earth.

Information seeking isn't only a human characteristic. Every animal investigates its surroundings and seeks to learn more about its surroundings and other nearby living beings.

Curiosity, on the other hand, is the want to know the solution, and it is this desire that distinguishes us.
