21 Of Your Favorite Disney & Childhood Movies That Were Actually Kind Of Scary, Crazy And Traumatic
It's a wonder we've made it this far when we were watching stuff like this as kids...

Remember back in the day - like way back. In fact, if you under 25, you probably won't remember at all, but way back, there used to be this place called 'Blockbuster', it was a video rental store.. and it was heaven.
If you're still reading, it's probably because you, like me, would get set loose in Blockbuster on a Friday evening and would get to pick out any movies you wanted to keep you occupied all weekend and out of your parents' way.
Things are different now, but I really think that back in the '90s, parents really didn't care what we watched and they didn't check to see what the movies were all about.
As a result, we watched some pretty freaky stuff.
Below is a collection of some of the scariest, most weird and traumatising 'kids movies' that will ever exist.
E.T. the first time you ever watched it... scary.

The Witches when they all took their masks of at the same time.

This guy literally trying to LURE CHILDREN WITH CANDY in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

The Army of the Dead showing up like this in The Black Cauldron.

Return To Oz from start to end... she is TIED TO THAT BED!

This horse DYING in The Never Ending Story

Robin Williams getting sucked into the floor like quicksand in the OJ (Original Jumanij)

Lampwick changing from a human into a donkey in Pinocchio.

Large Marge turning into this creature in Pee-wee's Big Adventure.

A dog going to HELL in All Dogs Go To Heaven - Excuse me, WHAT!

The very end of The Great Mouse Detective when this situation always ended in tragedy

The entire plot, characters and events in The Dark Crystal

Creepy Coraline

Someone being absolutely flattened by a steamroller (but not dying) in Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Watership Down, an apocalyptic British film about rabbits... look at those dang eyes!

The hyenas in The Lion King... just all of them, honestly.

This trippy elephant dance scene in Dumbo

This mutant looking toy crawling out from the darkness in Toy Story (who was actually nice but OMG!)

The Grinch and every single thing he does... but especially when he smiles.

That scene in Matilda where she blows up the TV with her eyes

Labyrinth. And every single thing that happened in this film.
