Disasterous Weddings That Were So Trashy People Didn't Even Know How To React

Some people should not be allowed to get married.

  • Published in Funny
Disasterous Weddings That Were So Trashy People Didn't Even Know How To React

Weddings are always unpredictable; you never know what you are going to be exposed to, but you still attend regardless to celebrate the union of the people you love. However, you have to be ready for the worst since each person has a different idea of what a wedding should be like.

But nothing could ever prepare you for some weird things you might encounter at weddings. Especially if they're one of those weird-themed weddings with a very specific and cringe-worthy theme.

Some people want to stand out and supposedly try to “think outside of the box” but end up coming up with the worst ideas ever. As a friend or relative of one of these people, you are forced to participate in their circus because you have to be there for them on their special day.

It's still interesting to see how trashy people can get, even on the most special day of their lives. When every aspect of your life is trashy, of course, your wedding will be the same.

Scroll down and check out these tasteless weddings that are not just trashy but extremely cringe-worthy. It's their wedding after all and they can plan it however they want.

1. “Imagine having your wedding in a national forest, then vandalizing said forest.”

1. “Imagine having your wedding in a national forest, then vandalizing said forest.”Reddit

2. “Bride ties her 1 month baby to the back of her wedding dress.”

2. “Bride ties her 1 month baby to the back of her wedding dress.”Reddit

3. “Bride cancels wedding because her guests didn't "donate" $1500 each to fund her wedding”

3. “Bride cancels wedding because her guests didn't Reddit

4. “I don't care what your political views are, this is stupid as hell for a wedding cake.”

“Wow, what a romantic wedding cake!”

4. “I don't care what your political views are, this is stupid as hell for a wedding cake.”Reddit

5. “This wedding photo”

5. “This wedding photo”Reddit

6. This Lovely Wedding Invite

6. This Lovely Wedding InviteReddit

7. “Well this definitely should get the party started.”


7. “Well this definitely should get the party started.”Reddit

8. “Weddings Are Fun”

8. “Weddings Are Fun”Reddit

9. “Wearing this dress to a wedding”

9. “Wearing this dress to a wedding”Reddit

10. “From a bridal Facebook group: Praying with all the single women find a man”

10. “From a bridal Facebook group: Praying with all the single women find a man”Reddit

11. “The groom took his laptop to his wedding to play a game on his computer”

11. “The groom took his laptop to his wedding to play a game on his computer”Reddit

12. “We sent you this card so send us money”

12. “We sent you this card so send us money”Reddit

13. “Wedding photoshoot idea: the groom and the bridesmaids…”

13. “Wedding photoshoot idea: the groom and the bridesmaids…”Reddit

14. “These bizarre wedding vowels ...”

14. “These bizarre wedding vowels ...”Reddit

15. “Inviting 20 extra people to a wedding”

15. “Inviting 20 extra people to a wedding”Reddit

16. “Did Bud Light sponsor the wedding?”

16. “Did Bud Light sponsor the wedding?”Reddit

17. “Thought this was the bride and groom at first - nope. Father and stepmother of the bride, wearing a white-ish, beaded gown with a train.”

17. “Thought this was the bride and groom at first - nope. Father and stepmother of the bride, wearing a white-ish, beaded gown with a train.”Reddit

18. “Ran across this on a wedding shaming site and it belongs here.”

18. “Ran across this on a wedding shaming site and it belongs here.”Reddit

19. “Well he is wearing white head to toe!”

19. “Well he is wearing white head to toe!”Reddit

20. “This couple thought the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 was a great theme for their wedding.”

20. “This couple thought the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 was a great theme for their wedding.”Reddit

21. “When you study wedding photography at Juuliard”

21. “When you study wedding photography at Juuliard”Reddit

When someone is already trashy in most aspects of their lives, then we shouldn't be surprised when their wedding is also tasteless. They just can't help it, and probably still think it was cool to do those things. As long as it makes them happy, it's no one's business but themselves. Still trashy though, sorry
