Frustrated Dad Working Remotely Trapped In Home Office Due To Wife's Playdate Arrangements

"I think it is weird not being able to move about my own home"

Frustrated Dad Working Remotely Trapped In Home Office Due To Wife's Playdate Arrangements

A lot of people are working from home these days, and it's not always easy, especially when you have family around. Here's a story from a guy on Reddit who's going through a tough time because of this.

This dad works from home and his daughter is also home all day. His wife likes to set up play dates for their daughter, which is cool, but here's the catch: whenever these play dates happen or when any woman comes over to chat with his wife, he's not allowed to leave his office at all.

He can't even grab a drink, make coffee, or go to the bathroom. His wife wants him out of sight. Things got really tense one day.

His daughter's friend came over, and while his wife was at the door, he stepped out to stop their indoor cat from running out. This led to his wife getting really mad at him.

She told him off for coming out and even said he looked like a "creeper." He feels it's weird and unfair that he can't move around his own house, especially since he's working from home full-time.

So, he's wondering, is this normal? Is he wrong to feel this way?

OP works from home, but his wife's arranged playdates often disrupts his work.

OP works from home, but his wife's arranged playdates often disrupts his work.

OP's wife insists that he remain in his office continuously, without leaving for any reason.

OP's wife insists that he remain in his office continuously, without leaving for any reason.

OP intervened to prevent their indoor cat from escaping while his wife held the door open.

OP intervened to prevent their indoor cat from escaping while his wife held the door open.

His wife yelled at him for 15 minutes for leaving his office while working from home, calling him a creeper.

His wife yelled at him for 15 minutes for leaving his office while working from home, calling him a creeper.

The situation seems unusual.

The situation seems unusual.Reddit

OP needs to ask her why he should hide.

OP needs to ask her why he should hide.Reddit

OP's wife seems out of touch with the current world, especially with many people working from home.

OP's wife seems out of touch with the current world, especially with many people working from home.Reddit

It seems quite unusual.

It seems quite unusual.Reddit

OP needs to seek couples therapy or consider divorce if his spouse is abusive.

OP needs to seek couples therapy or consider divorce if his spouse is abusive.Reddit

The wife may be giving false information to friends about OP's job to avoid looking unsuccessful.

The wife may be giving false information to friends about OP's job to avoid looking unsuccessful.Reddit

OP has a say in his home.

OP has a say in his home.Reddit

OP's wife is concerned about her image because he works from home.

OP's wife is concerned about her image because he works from home.Reddit

OP's wife's behavior is controlling unless his job involves nudity.

OP's wife's behavior is controlling unless his job involves nudity.Reddit

The situation here is a bit strange. It might be that the wife doesn't understand how working from home can be tricky, especially when lots of people are doing it nowadays.

Maybe they should consider getting some help from a therapist to improve their relationship. OP should have some say in what happens in his own home, but it's also important to think about his wife's feelings and why she might be acting this way.

They should have a good talk and try to understand each other better. That way, they can find a solution that works for both of them and makes their home a happier place.
