Illustrations Creatively Capture The Sailor Senshi As They Complete Their Transformation Into Sailor Scouts

What a unique and interesting concept for an illustrative series.

Illustrations Creatively Capture The Sailor Senshi As They Complete Their Transformation Into Sailor Scouts

This Portuguese Artist known as Kyara loves to create art, especially when she gets to use colored pencils. She created a unique and awesome Sailor Moon series because she says, "this anime is one of the first and reminds me my childhood so much."

Her series is definitely different than many we've seen before, especially since it seems like so often an emphasis is placed on the Sailor Senshi's eyes... Kyara went a totally different route, she said:

"These series of drawings are supposed to be each sailor right after/while they are transforming, that's why they have the eyes closed and everything without gravity."

It's no surprise that this artist is so popular, with thousands of fans on social media, but that wouldn't change how much we love this Sailor Moon series. Check it out!

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1. Sailor Venus

1. Sailor Venuskyara17

2. Hana

2. Hanakyara17

3. Sailor Moon Re-Draw

3. Sailor Moon Re-Drawkyara17

4. The Little Mermaid

4. The Little Mermaidkyara17

5. Sailor Neptune

5. Sailor Neptunekyara17

6. Sailor Uranus

6. Sailor Uranuskyara17

7. Sailor Jupiter

7. Sailor Jupiterkyara17

8. Chibi Moon

8. Chibi Moonkyara17

9. Sailor Moon

9. Sailor Moonkyara17

10. Sailor Saturn

10. Sailor Saturnkyara17

11. Mononoke Hime

11. Mononoke Himekyara17

12. Sailor Mars

12. Sailor Marskyara17

13. Witchy

13. Witchykyara17

14. Sailor Mercury

14. Sailor Mercurykyara17

15. Queen Nehelenia - Traped Mirror

15. Queen Nehelenia - Traped Mirrorkyara17

16. Lotus

16. Lotuskyara17

17. Pink

17. Pinkkyara17

18. Spring

18. Springkyara17

19. Sailor Pluto

19. Sailor Plutokyara17