Tourists Shouldn't Do These 30 Things When They Visit The US According To Americans
"Do not walk through grass above your ankles."

A lot of people grow up watching American television shows and movies. This idealized version of the United States has cemented the country as a must-see country for many of us.
There seems to be no shortage of interesting things to and places to see in the vast country. Every state has something exciting to offer and every city has a new food everyone must try.
These things coupled with the friendly attitude that most Americans possess have made the country a friendly tourist destination. Some people have to go through a rigorous vetting process before they can step on American soil.
Despite the hurdles, expenses, and stress of obtaining a visa, people still flock to see beautiful America. I can't say I blame them, despite its flaws, the US is indeed a beautiful country.
Like any savvy traveler, you must first research the US before visiting. Researching is a must and it might seem counterproductive since almost all of us grew up with at least an idea of what America is like but one can never be too prepared.
The US is a rich and diverse country therefore there are some customs you must observe which will vary based on the state or city you are planning to visit. Worry not, some Americans gave tips on what you shouldn't do when you visit their beloved country.
Thanks to this Reddit discussion, we have a consolidated list approved by Americans on what you can't do when you tour the US

1. Don't underestimate the travel time between cities and states because it is a large country

2. If you go to Florida, do not swim on lakes, ditches, channels, or questionable bodies of water

3. Be careful because laws vary from state to state

4. Follow the instuctions of the police officer if they pull you over

5. Taxes are included upon checkout so budget accordingly

6. Do not pet trash pandas at all cost

7. The photo is not free and if you don't pay up you better get ready for a screaming match

8. Do not underestimate the dangers of American wilderness

9. Be prepared for all things when you plan to hike and do not go alone

10. Not all American cities and towns are walkable. The main mode of transportation is still private vehicles.

Also, most Americans will talk to you like you have been friends for a long time

11. Do not entertain people at the checkout encouraging you to sign up for a credit card

12. Do not make eye contact at New York City subways or get on an empty subway car

13. National Parks are highly protected places. As they say, "take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints."

14. Do not underestimate the heat in the Southwest

15. Do not haggle at stores and restaurants. If the staff decline, do not yell at them because it's not their fault.

16. Do not use this particular "C" word

17. Respect the integrity of the line

18. The minimum legal drinking and smoking age is 21 not 18 years old

19. Tip your waiters and service staff

20. Listen to what the locals have to say when it comes to good and bad neighborhoods in their area

21. Do not even think about bribing or sweet-talking police officers

22. American healthcare is messed up and if you can, purchase traveler's health insurance for the entirety of your visit

23. Here are some topics of conversation to avoid:

24. Do not be racist

25. It's the American way of saying hi. You can reply, "Good! How about you?" then go about your day

26. Do as the guides say

27. Respect your host country's traditions and celebrations

28. Do not maintain eye contact for a prolonged period of time because you will get in a world of trouble. Plus, respect people's space.

29. This will freak visitors out but some Americans have a permit to carry their firearms unconcealed.

30. Do not walk on grass that is above ankle-height unless you want viruses and diseases from little critters or a surprise encounter with a snake

The United States of America is a beautifully diverse country. America has a lot to offer if you visit with an open mind, a lot of time, and a considerable amount of money.
You will surely meet a lot of good people who will point you to the best places in their locale. Be mindful that you are a visitor to their home and you'll be alright.
