10+ Things You'll Only Understand If You Have Toe Thumbs
Got toe thumbs? We've got your back.

Okay so there are things well all get a little insecure about when it comes to dealing with our bodies, but a lot of those thing we can either change, hide, or ignore enough to get by. Unfortunately for some there are things we can't hide, in case I'm referring to club, or more affectionately put "toe", thumbs.
Now, I don't have them myself but I have a few friends who do and they say that toe thumbs are some of the best and worst things to have! Sometimes things aren't very practical or maybe you get teased at the nail salon, but you're also cute, unique and have a closer relationship to Megan Fox than most other people! I say enjoy it, and most of all, you can't hide it so you might as well flaunt it!
People noticing your thumbs for the first time can make you feel insecure...

And going to get your nails done can be a bit of a bummer.
Especially if you love getting acrylics and they can't seem to find the one that fits... Awkward?

But HELLO you're just like Megan Fox! And if she makes it look cute you sure can as well!

You might however find yourself getting self conscious when you take pictures that include your hands.
But hey, don't we all like having a moment to be the center of attention?
Using your phone can be a challenge! So you try to make sure every phone you use has a big enough screen...

But let's be honest they still kind of do whatever they want, right?
And you spell things wrong. But I can relate to this too #fatthumbproblems
And EVERYONE wants to compare their thumbs to yours.

Thumb rings or tiny cups are huge no-go zones
Even using every day objects can be a problem! I never knew this...
Like apparently using a lighter or matches is hard? You'd think someone would have helped our clubbed brothers and sisters out by now!

Even bowling!? Where is our thumb-shape equality?
But let's look on the brighter side: You're basically a heavy weight champion in Thumb Wrestling.
And you'll always be a little bit unique, and a little bit special.