50 Tips That People 10/10 Recommend For A Better Life

Over the years, most of us pick up bits of wisdom that help shape a fulfilling and meaningful life.

50 Tips That People 10/10 Recommend For A Better Life

Most of us strive for a meaningful and fulfilling life; we gather valuable lessons to help guide us over time. Whether through personal experiences or advice from others, these pieces of wisdom shape how we navigate life.

The online world has made it easier than ever to share these tips, primarily through communities like the r/LifeProTips subreddit, where members contribute advice on various topics, from health to relationships to work.

This article highlights some of the best advice shared recently on r/LifeProTips. It offers practical suggestions that can improve various aspects of life.

The beauty of such advice lies in its simplicity and accessibility, making it easy for anyone to apply. Whether you're looking for new ideas or reminders of principles you’ve already learned, these tips can help you live better.

The r/LifeProTips community offers a treasure trove of advice to make life easier, healthier, and more fulfilling. The shared wisdom covers various relevant topics, from health and finances to relationships and productivity.

Incorporating these practical tips into your daily routine doesn’t require significant changes, just minor, thoughtful adjustments that can lead to long-term improvements. Whether you're new to these ideas or they serve as reminders, they offer valuable guidance for a well-rounded, meaningful life. Here are some helpful tips we've gathered for you.

1. Good advice is less about telling others what to do and more about supporting them in finding their path forward.

1. Good advice is less about telling others what to do and more about supporting them in finding their path forward.Pexels

2. Respecting when someone doesn't want to celebrate their birthday is perfectly fine.

"When people ask me what I want to do and I say "nothing" they keep asking like I'm being coy or maybe I'll change my mind. Some people just aren't into celebrating and pressing them about it makes it worse. "

2. Respecting when someone doesn't want to celebrate their birthday is perfectly fine.Reddit

3. Be open to forming friendships with people of different ages in adulthood, whether they’re younger or older than you.

"I’m friends with someone 30 years older than me. He could be my dad. We have a genuine friendship though, it’s not a mentor/mentee type relationship. We just really get along and click.

I’ve learned a lot from him and he’s also learned a lot from me. We’re prisoners of time. It’s easy to get trapped in our generation’s thinking. A lot to be learned from people older and younger than you, and they have a lot to learn from you too. I like to think that this friendship has given me a greater sense of perspective about the world and I’m thankful for it."

3. Be open to forming friendships with people of different ages in adulthood, whether they’re younger or older than you.Reddit

4. Consider using carwash sponges for water games instead of traditional water balloons.

"With warmer months coming up soon, here's a tip for a fun way to stay cool. I've run games for many summer programs, including water games, and I've hated trying to use waterballoons. They take a ton of time to prep and clean up, and they run out very quickly.

So I looked for another option and ended up trying carwash sponges from Walmart and they worked great. Cut the sponges in half and soak them in a bucket or tub of water. Each sponge half will be good for hundreds of throws, they don't hurt at all when you get hit with one, and they're easy to refill quickly. They work great for dodgeball games."

4. Consider using carwash sponges for water games instead of traditional water balloons.Reddit

5. Share your passwords with your spouse.

5. Share your passwords with your spouse.Reddit

6. If a company requires you to use a virtual assistant or chatbot for support, mentioning that you want to cancel your service, plan, or subscription will often result in being transferred to a human representative.

6. If a company requires you to use a virtual assistant or chatbot for support, mentioning that you want to cancel your service, plan, or subscription will often result in being transferred to a human representative.Reddit

7. Flip shipping bags inside out for returns.

"Returning something that was shipped in a plastic shipping bag? Tired of tearing the bag trying to remove all the old shipping labels or trying to fold the bag in a specific way to hide the old labels?

Turn the bag inside out. Old labels are all now hidden and you arent having to tape it up into a diaper shape for the return trip!

Credit: My most amazing girlfriend."

7. Flip shipping bags inside out for returns.Reddit

8. To avoid accidentally sending emails before they're ready, try adding the recipient's address last.

"Pretty self explanatory really. It was difficult to switch at first and I've to catch myself and correct it but I've since built up the habit and do it on autopilot. It's saved my life so many times!"

8. To avoid accidentally sending emails before they're ready, try adding the recipient's address last.Reddit

9. Always take a whistle when hiking or camping.

9. Always take a whistle when hiking or camping.Reddit

10. When adopting a pet, it's helpful to get recommendations from the volunteers.

"I have been a volunteer at a shelter working with dogs and cats, and now I foster cats for a rescue organization. Whenever people adopt a new pet, they often just meet the animals and hang out for 5-10 minutes before making this really big decision. But the volunteers and foster parents know these animals really well and they have opinions. You should ask them which animal they would adopt if they could and why. It’s heartbreaking to watch the sweetest dogs and cats get passed up because they don’t give the best first impressions.

Edit to clarify: I specifically recommend talking to volunteers. While there are a lot of great staff, they often have a lot of other work and don’t spend much time with the animals. The volunteers don’t have any reason to lie to you and they all have their favorites. They are there simply because they love animals, not for a pay check."

10. When adopting a pet, it's helpful to get recommendations from the volunteers.Reddit

11. Avoid telling people you're teaching that the task you're demonstrating is easy.

11. Avoid telling people you're teaching that the task you're demonstrating is easy.Reddit

12. If you're married with kids, use your PTO to enjoy a lunch date together.

"My wife and I have three young children. It's impossible to get away in the evening for a proper date without grandparent's texting saying my children are out of control, or the babysitter texting saying the kids want to talk to mom.

My wife's schedule and mine have aligned the last couple of weeks where we've gone out to lunch just the two of us. It's an amazing break in the workday, and my kids have no idea we're gone. 10/10 highly recommend."

12. If you're married with kids, use your PTO to enjoy a lunch date together.Reddit

13. When leaving a professional voicemail, start with your name and phone number before getting into the rest of your message.

"If you're leaving a message for someone to return your call, clearly state your name and telephone number at the beginning. That way the person doesn't have to listen to the whole message repeatedly just to get your information."

13. When leaving a professional voicemail, start with your name and phone number before getting into the rest of your message.Reddit

14. When heading out on vacation, leaving your dishwasher door slightly ajar is a good idea.

"It will dry it out and help to prevent any mold from growing in a dark, damp place."

14. When heading out on vacation, leaving your dishwasher door slightly ajar is a good idea.Reddit

15. Instead of asking, "Can I have a hug?" try asking, "Would you like a hug?"

15. Instead of asking, Reddit

16. the windows is the quickest way to cool down your car this summer.

"It's no surprise that it's getting hot hot hot out there, especially here in the sub-tropics. Here's a time-tested way to get your car cooling down ASAP on these brutal days. Inspired by my brother, bless his heart, who will do it literally any other way and spend the next 20 minutes cussing about how hot his car is.

Open the windows. As hot as it is, the air outside is cooler than the air in your car. We want to flush that 115ish degree air out of the car as quick as we can. If possible, drive a bit down the street with the windows open to force the super-heated air out.

Fresh Air A/C. At the same time, set your car A/C to pull in air from outside (i.e. not recycled). We want to bleed that super hot air out of the system as well. Keep your spare hand by the vent (while being safe, of course) until it starts blowing good and cold, hopefully only a minute to two.

Windows up. Let's keep that nice cool air inside the car.

Recycle A/C. Now we're going to switch the A/C to "recycle" which keeps cooling the air from the cabin, letting it blow colder faster than pulling in hot outside air.

Of course it may still take a while for it to get comfortable depending on how hot the car was but at least now you've got frosty cold air to make it at least bearable."

16. the windows is the quickest way to cool down your car this summer.Reddit

17. For a stylish and affectionate cat, consider a Ragdoll over a Bengal.

"To provide a good home for a bengal you really have to be ready to put some effort in, they’re wildly smart and a tiny bit bloodthirsty given they are miniature panthers. If you’re looking for your first cat and are considering getting a fancy bread, consider himalayans or ragdolls. They look just as beautiful and are very chill.

In general it’s best practice to adopt cats from shelters since they’re so many strays out there, but if you are set on a purebred FYI."

17. For a stylish and affectionate cat, consider a Ragdoll over a Bengal.Reddit

18. When you run into an old acquaintance, saying your name can help avoid awkwardness.

"Most of the times people really do remember you but not your name - by simply stating who you are it will allow them to engage in conversation more comfortably. It also allows them to ask for your number to reconnect easier too!"

18. When you run into an old acquaintance, saying your name can help avoid awkwardness.Reddit

19. “Siri Call Mom”

"Life pro tip: “ Siri, Call Mom “

Got a call from my daughter which I answered with “ Hi luv! ”. Nope. It wasn’t “ luv” it was a very benevolent dude who had found my daughters phone at crowded event .

He was a genius and asked Siri to “ Call Mom”. I was able to reach out to her friends, share his number. Phone secured!

She owes him a drink.

( I’m waiting for the: “ and that’s how I met your mother “ comment :-)

So…. if you find a phone and want to reconnect it with the rightful owner. Engage Siri to do the sluthing for you!"

19. “Siri Call Mom”Reddit

20. Create a backup exit route different from your entry point.

20. Create a backup exit route different from your entry point.Reddit

21. Your friend didn't forget about borrowing the money.

"This is a follow up to the age-old saying “Don't lend money to people. If you want to help out, give it as a gift instead. That way, you don't have to worry about getting paid back or what to do if they don't.”

As a past lender to friends and family, I’ve come across this problem many, many times. The borrower never (rarely) comes out to pay their loan on their own. You always have to bring it up, because they always seem to “forget”.

Let me tell you this, they DON’T forget! They’re just hoping you forget about it and they don’t have to pay you back. After reminding them over and over, you as a lender start feeling guilty for pestering them. Then you start to grow resentment, and they possibly are getting annoyed by you.

LPT - Don’t feel bad for asking for your money back, they did not forget and they’re playing you.

Just don’t lend money, just don’t do it. Unless you want to find out if your friend is a true friend…"

21. Your friend didn't forget about borrowing the money.Reddit

22. Your local library might offer free access to paywalled websites.

22. Your local library might offer free access to paywalled websites.Reddit

23. When learning a new instrument, it's best to avoid purchasing a "beginner" model.

23. When learning a new instrument, it's best to avoid purchasing a Reddit

24. If someone who tends to talk a lot of calls, put the phone on speaker and start cooking. When the meal's done, you'll have a natural reason to end the conversation.

24. If someone who tends to talk a lot of calls, put the phone on speaker and start cooking. When the meal's done, you'll have a natural reason to end the conversation.Reddit

25. Intentionally choose a job where the employee discount adds real value.

"My current job, at a local quality food market, offers a 30% discount on everything and we often have access to tons of free produce and other free items. That savings adds up quick. Especially during inflation, I think it's a good idea to get a job like this."

25. Intentionally choose a job where the employee discount adds real value.Reddit

26. Talk to your dogs before an important phone call.

"If you are at home and don't talk to your dogs all the time, there's no one else they are going to think you are talking to other than them. Give their excitement time to cool down before talking to someone they can't see."

26. Talk to your dogs before an important phone call.Reddit

27. Buy one greeting card and get a second one free.

"When buying this weeks Mothers Day card, Birthday, Get Well, Sorry I *(#&(@*#$ Up, etc. get a spare. Over time you will have a folder full of various cards for those moment you forgot or last minute surprise. You will be amazed how handy a spare "Thinking of You, Love You" at random times can help a relationship in times of trial or strength."

27. Buy one greeting card and get a second one free.Reddit

28. When you start a new job, saving a copy or taking a screenshot of the job description is a good idea.

28. When you start a new job, saving a copy or taking a screenshot of the job description is a good idea.Reddit

29. Choose Bamboo carefully.

29. Choose Bamboo carefully.Reddit

30. In just six months, you can gain solid skills in almost anything.

"The key is consistent practice. 10-20 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week. Following a structured routine or plan helps a lot too. Most skills are just stamina and muscle memory, with a little technique thrown in.

What does "reasonably proficient" mean? Better than average, basically.

With an instrument, it's enough to be able to have a small catalogue of songs you can play for people and they'll be glad you did.

With a sport, it means you'll be good enough to be a steady player on your local amateur team, or in competition to place in the top 50% of people your age.

With any skill, it'll be enough to impress others who don't have that skill.

Just six months. Start today and by Xmas you'll be a whole new person with a whole new skill that you'll never lose.

Maybe it's my age, but six months is no time at all."

30. In just six months, you can gain solid skills in almost anything.Reddit

31. If you're tired of seeing the "Let's Set Up Your Device" screen after Windows updates, there's a way to disable it.

31. If you're tired of seeing the Reddit

32. shopping for big-ticket items online, leaving your cart just before completing the purchase can often lead to better deals.

"This is likely something many already have experienced...but a lot of online shops selling items above say $100 have automated flows that target users which have aborted a purchase, and they will not only remind you about your abandoned checkout but many times will offer you an extra incentive to complete your purchase in the form of a discount, which can sometimes be upwards of 20%. It's the e-commerce version of playing hardball.

This is not a given, there are some industries where profit margins are already razor-thin and/or it's a seller's market, but it pays to wait and see what happens."

32. shopping for big-ticket items online, leaving your cart just before completing the purchase can often lead to better deals.Reddit

33. At least once in your life, try living somewhere that lets you walk to nearby spots like restaurants, coffee shops, entertainment venues, or bars.

"I've been living in apartments with my wife the last 7 years or so. We've chosen to live in a spot that's walkable, near a lot of restaurants, coffee shops, parks, music/film venues, bars, etc. Though we live in relatively cramped quarters compared to a house, we really enjoy our lifestyle. There's been some press about the lack of a "3rd space" in today's world. We have 3rd spaces all around us. Gets us out of the house more often, keeps us healthier walking everywhere, and spurs impromptu social encounters. I’m not the most social person, but I know that it’s good for me on occasion.

If possible, for a portion of your life, even if only a year or two, try living in a space that has walkable amenities around you. Though we've compromised on space, it's really nice not having to get into a car to access the world around us.

For context, we're at $1775 a month for a 2 bed 1 bath in CA."

33. At least once in your life, try living somewhere that lets you walk to nearby spots like restaurants, coffee shops, entertainment venues, or bars.Reddit

34. Shop around for new auto insurance quotes with every renewal.

34. Shop around for new auto insurance quotes with every renewal.Reddit

35. Men’s antiperspirant quickly removes black marks from wood floors rapidly.

35. Men’s antiperspirant quickly removes black marks from wood floors rapidly.Reddit

36. To save battery life on your phone, consider deleting the Facebook app and accessing Facebook through your browser instead.

"I use an iPhone and my battery use showed a lot of background activity with the app and 0% with Safari, which is where I use Facebook now."

36. To save battery life on your phone, consider deleting the Facebook app and accessing Facebook through your browser instead.Reddit

37. If you're planning to leave a full-time job in the U.S., resigning at the beginning of the month rather than the end is better.

"When you quit a job at many companies most benefits including health insurance continue until the end of the month in which you quit. If you have a gap between the end of your job and the start of the next you can maximize the time you are covered by quitting at the beginning of the month. This gives you time to take a break, relocate, etc."

37. If you're planning to leave a full-time job in the U.S., resigning at the beginning of the month rather than the end is better.Reddit

38. When you attract negative attention, even just once, you'll always be under closer scrutiny from that point forward.

38. When you attract negative attention, even just once, you'll always be under closer scrutiny from that point forward.Reddit

39. If you arrive 30 minutes before a restaurant closes, it's smart to ask if you can still order, as you may get better service and fresher food.

39. If you arrive 30 minutes before a restaurant closes, it's smart to ask if you can still order, as you may get better service and fresher food.Reddit

40. Using empty prepaid cards for free trial subscriptions helps avoid the risk of forgetting to cancel.

40. Using empty prepaid cards for free trial subscriptions helps avoid the risk of forgetting to cancel.Reddit

41. Struggling to clean the kitchen? Put on a remote headset and catch up with an old friend while you work.

41. Struggling to clean the kitchen? Put on a remote headset and catch up with an old friend while you work.Reddit

42. Continuous spray sunblock can remove temporary tattoos.

42. Continuous spray sunblock can remove temporary tattoos.Reddit

43. "Manage option" when asked to accept cookies on a website.

43. Reddit

44. When buying a car, make sure to include in your contract that you expect a full tank of fuel upon delivery.

"My family picked up two cars recently (one new Hyundai and one used Mitsubishi) and neither came with a full tank of petrol. When I picked up my Mazda a few years ago, it came fully detailed and included a full tank of fuel. I learned from a friend who works in the industry that there's little margin in car sales for dealers so they're cost cutting by no longer including a full tank of fuel. This can be overcome by writing into the contract of sale that you want a full tank of fuel (or for EV's, a full charge) on delivery. "

44. When buying a car, make sure to include in your contract that you expect a full tank of fuel upon delivery.Reddit

45. Instead of taking coins to Coinstar or cashing them in, spare change can be used at self-checkout lanes.

45. Instead of taking coins to Coinstar or cashing them in, spare change can be used at self-checkout lanes.Reddit

46. When you're unsure, just get rid of it.

46. When you're unsure, just get rid of it.Reddit

47. Open sharing apps an hour before you plan to use them.

"Rideshare, e-Scooters, food delivery… a lot of times of you open and close them without using they will send a discount notification for use that day."

47. Open sharing apps an hour before you plan to use them.Reddit

48. Unplug your TV and computer if the power goes out at home. After the power is restored, wait about a minute before plugging them back in.

48. Unplug your TV and computer if the power goes out at home. After the power is restored, wait about a minute before plugging them back in.Reddit

49. Choose headphones with a detachable cable.

49. Choose headphones with a detachable cable.Reddit

50. To estimate Fahrenheit, double the Celsius temperature and add 30.

50. To estimate Fahrenheit, double the Celsius temperature and add 30.Reddit

51. Simple steps to embrace minimalism:

51. Simple steps to embrace minimalism:Reddit

In a sea of advice and information, it's refreshing to come across straightforward, practical tips that genuinely make a difference. The r/LifeProTips community provides helpful, down-to-earth suggestions for everyday challenges and offers practical strategies to enhance daily life.

While some tips might seem basic, their effectiveness lies in their simplicity and consistent application. Whether the goal is saving money, improving relationships, or better managing time, these minor adjustments can contribute to a more balanced and satisfying life.

The key isn't making drastic changes but incorporating minor, impactful tweaks that build up over time. Applying these tips in daily routines can foster positive changes and achieve a more fulfilling life.
