Woman Makes Horrific Mistake While At The Emergency Veterinary Clinic, Mistakes Bags With Pet Remains For "Goodies Bags"

This will forever be seared into her memory

  • Published in Funny
Woman Makes Horrific Mistake While At The Emergency Veterinary Clinic, Mistakes Bags With Pet Remains For "Goodies Bags"

Mistakes, no matter how embarrassing, minuscule or cringe-inducing, are just a part of life. Inherently, as humans, we are fallible, it is only a matter of time until we make an error of some sort.

It’s such a part of life that there are countless sayings about making mistakes -

“To err is human.”

“Everybody makes mistakes.”

“You need to give yourself permission to be human.”

“Mistakes are a part of life.”

While we cannot ever avoid making a mistake, we can take comfort in knowing that we have the option to learn from our mistakes. If we learn from them, we can grow and avoid making the same mistake again. 

Though sometimes, we can make a mistake that can make us feel so completely horrible that maybe we wouldn’t want to live long enough to learn from it. You might be familiar with those sorts of moments where you not only put your foot in your mouth but your entire dang leg.

When your mouth moves faster than your brain and you say the worst thing, while you watch in slow-motion, screaming internally to stop but it’s too late. The kind of mistake that you know others feel second-hand embarrassment, too.

If you’re not familiar with that specific feeling, then you’re in luck. We found a story of the most soul-crushing embarrassment to share with you today.

Shared in the Reddit community, r/TIFU, user Capital-Pickle-3493 recounts the absolutely mortifying interaction she had earlier that day at their emergency vet’s office. Involving a distraught pregnant woman and the worst case of run-of-the-mouthitis I’ve ever heard.

I really don’t want to spoil the story, so keep scrolling to read the full story. Bask in the glory of second-hand embarrassment, and enjoy the soothing balm of the top comments we collected. 

While the subject of their story accurately sums up the mistake, it barely skims the surface

While the subject of their story accurately sums up the mistake, it barely skims the surfaceCapital-Pickle-3493

It doesn't seem possible, but it does get worse

It doesn't seem possible, but it does get worsegiphy

It was a pretty uneventful start, they were in the waiting room at their emergency vets office

While waiting for their cat, who is fine now, OP noticed another couple who finished paying and were also waiting. She understandably assumed they were waiting for their pet to come out too.

It was a pretty uneventful start, they were in the waiting room at their emergency vets officeCapital-Pickle-3493

Except, their assumption wasn't totally correct.

OP watches as a vet tech brought out a "fancy paper bag" to the couple who had just paid. Not initially realizing what it could have been, OP braces us with the self-realization:

"this is where I f*cked up."

Except, their assumption wasn't totally correct.Capital-Pickle-3493

The fancy paper bag conatined the ashes of the couples pet, but OP's mind went straight to "goodie bag"

And their brain didn't just stop there - it went full force into gleefully asking, "Do we get GOODIE BAGS!?" Yep.

OP takes us through an all-too-familiar journey of our brains being too slow to do anything but witness in abject horror the mistake we're making in slow motion. She realized what was in the bag as soon as the words spilled out.

The fancy paper bag conatined the ashes of the couples pet, but OP's mind went straight to Capital-Pickle-3493

I imagine everything stopped on a record scratch

I imagine everything stopped on a record scratchgiphy

And then we learn that the woman the vet tech was handing the bag to happened to be very pregnant

As if pregnancy hormones aren't hard enough, this poor woman is also dealing with the loss of their pet. And then OP unintentionally made their day a lot worse.

OP immediately apologized and tried to explain, but the damage was done. The waiting room was silent except for the pregnant woman crying.

Holy moly, does OP know how to set a scene.

And then we learn that the woman the vet tech was handing the bag to happened to be very pregnantCapital-Pickle-3493

In moments like these, its not unusual for things to compound that make matters worse

Naturally, it was perfect timing for OP's cat to be brought out by another vet tech, "cheerfully" telling OP that their cat was happy, healthy, and ready to go home. Rubbing salt in the wound of the pregnant woman grieving her deceased pet that a complete stranger excitedly suggested was a goodie bag.

In moments like these, its not unusual for things to compound that make matters worseCapital-Pickle-3493

The couple quickly left, and OP was mortified

She knows that she made their horrible day worse and felt so guilty.

The couple quickly left, and OP was mortifiedCapital-Pickle-3493



OP ends with a TL/dr, very similar to the original title, but including the terrible context of the bag holding the remains of another family's pet

OP ends with a TL/dr, very similar to the original title, but including the terrible context of the bag holding the remains of another family's petCapital-Pickle-3493

This feels like one of those embarrassing things that is so awful it's hilarious

This feels like one of those embarrassing things that is so awful it's hilariousgiphy

I wonder how OP feels knowing their story is perfectly fit for the r/TIFU subreddit

I wonder how OP feels knowing their story is perfectly fit for the r/TIFU subredditIcy_Engine_7648

Their validity is proven by how awful their story makes you feel for everyone involved

Their validity is proven by how awful their story makes you feel for everyone involvedholydragonnall

When I tell you this comment made me scream ...

When I tell you this comment made me scream ...hkprimary

That hit in just the right spot to be a hysterical exclamation point at the end of OP's story.

That hit in just the right spot to be a hysterical exclamation point at the end of OP's story.giphy

The second-hand embarrassment is so very real, but it'll never be as bad as what OP will live with

The second-hand embarrassment is so very real, but it'll never be as bad as what OP will live withRobbodobbor

It was such a deeply impactful moment that it will literally haunt them forever

It was such a deeply impactful moment that it will literally haunt them foreverThewrongbakedpotato

Or maybe they'll just never sleep again

Or maybe they'll just never sleep againNarwhalinspace

Some folks offered suggestions to help OP cope

Some folks offered suggestions to help OP copeempress118

An easier option than leaving everything behind

An easier option than leaving everything behindNaviMinx

Or terrible advice disguised as "helpful" that could only make things very much worse

Or terrible advice disguised as MysteryRadish

And others shared stories to commiserate with OP

Like when user lakkanen commented to their husband that their foster cat felt considerably lighter when they picked him up from the vet, to be reminded that he just had his leg amputated.

And others shared stories to commiserate with OPlakkanen

They were so distraught they thought they were getting their cat's leg amputated leg back 😂

They were so distraught they thought they were getting their cat's leg amputated leg back 😂Tennisbabe16

At least their FU was only between them and the vet tech

At least their FU was only between them and the vet techgiphy

I think this tops OP's story

I think this tops OP's storyKratsas

It doesn't seem like there's any way to pick up remains that's not painfully awkward for everyone involved

It doesn't seem like there's any way to pick up remains that's not painfully awkward for everyone involvedARussianSheep

Like the worst "word association" game

Like the worst ThatLongAgony



This is the perfect way to describe how the story made me feel

This is the perfect way to describe how the story made me feelcritterwalk

Everyone who witnessed that will remember it - it's been seared into their minds

Everyone who witnessed that will remember it - it's been seared into their mindskarateema

It seems like OP's emergency vet could take some tips on how to assist bereaved pet parents picking up remains

It seems like OP's emergency vet could take some tips on how to assist bereaved pet parents picking up remainsSkyScamall

This sounds like the absolute best way to support families saying "goodbye" to their pets

This sounds like the absolute best way to support families saying JadedMcGrath

Having received a similar bag for their cats ashes, this story gave them a good laugh

Having received a similar bag for their cats ashes, this story gave them a good laughZharenya

They're one of many who laughed tbh

They're one of many who laughed tbhAlwaysLate432

Mortifying for OP, comedic gold for the rest of us

Mortifying for OP, comedic gold for the rest of usSittingandreading

It's so messed up it's funny

It's so messed up it's funnyStickel

And many shared the same sentiment that hopefully the devastated couple will be able to look back on this and laugh

And many shared the same sentiment that hopefully the devastated couple will be able to look back on this and laughCall_me_eff

They shared from their experience that once the shock wears off, the humor is easier to find

They shared from their experience that once the shock wears off, the humor is easier to findphyrestorm999

Reassurance that in a very similar interaction, the person on the receiving end doesn't think of it at all anymore

Reassurance that in a very similar interaction, the person on the receiving end doesn't think of it at all anymoreUnthunkable

Proof that even horrible moments surrounding the passing of your pet can eventually be something to look back on and laugh

Proof that even horrible moments surrounding the passing of your pet can eventually be something to look back on and laughSoggerBean

Having received their pets remains in an overly decorative bag, they offer forgiveness to OP

Having received their pets remains in an overly decorative bag, they offer forgiveness to OPdanteelite

Even veterinary workers weighed in to share that not only did they find the story hilarious, they offered reassurances that they've seen weirder

Even veterinary workers weighed in to share that not only did they find the story hilarious, they offered reassurances that they've seen weirderRaigne86

Like a dead ferret falling out of it's coffin and across a full waiting room

Like a dead ferret falling out of it's coffin and across a full waiting roomThisIsWhoIAm78



Dark humor helps veterinary workers get through the really rough parts of the job

Dark humor helps veterinary workers get through the really rough parts of the jobLittleBT

OP's story is being shared throughout vets offices worldwide

OP's story is being shared throughout vets offices worldwideGodwin_s_Lawyer

Perfect gif usage

Perfect gif usageinvertedparadX



According to another commenters experience actually receiving a goody bag from their vet, it's possible that OP wasn't too out of line for their assumption

According to another commenters experience actually receiving a goody bag from their vet, it's possible that OP wasn't too out of line for their assumptionpimpfriedrice

Not a Goodie Bag, but a Good Boy Bag

Not a Goodie Bag, but a Good Boy BagGateofD

Have you ever experienced a moment where you said the absolute worst thing at the worst time? Or made a mistake that while no one got physically hurt, your ego suffered major contusions?

We deeply believe the best way to move past that pain of embarrassment is to share it publicly for others to witness, it’s like how running a bunch of apps all at once drains your phone battery. So tell us all about those cringe-inducing moments in the comment section below!
