Prepare To Swoon Over These Cute Photos Of Tibetan Mastiffs, The Gentlest Good Bois
This silly, loveable breed is so heckin' good.

If you've never heard of Tibetan Mastiff dogs, I'm sorry. They're amazing. Let me delight you with some fun facts about this fluffy dog. They're ancient, like literally ancient. It is believed they originated with the nomadic cultures of Tibet, China, Mongolia, India and Nepal. This very, very large dog breed belongs to the mastiff family and the local Tibetan tribes use them still today to protect sheep from wolves, leopards, bears, large mustelids, and tigers (oh my!)
On average, these pups weigh 55–90 kg (121–198 lb,) but some can get upwards of of 115 kg (254 lb.) In the western world, they're social, domesticated dogs best suited for homes with families who are well versed in dogs and have yards to run in.
1. This Is What Dreams Are Made Of
Some dogs are just made for snow.

2. Perfect Sleeping Position
Totally, I aim for this nightly.
Fun Fact: Tibetan Mastiffs like to sleep during the day and tend to be more alert in the evenings and at night when their instincts tell them they have livestock to protect. Congratulations, you're a cow.

3. Whatcha Lookin' At?
Perfection in dog form.

4. Mumma Lets Me Ride Front Seat
What a silly, dopey, lovable face.

5. My Favourite Tiny Human And Fur Baby
A little love goes a long way.

6. Family of Puppers and Doggos
So heckin' sweet.

7. My First Snow Face Plant Of The Season
One of many, I'm sure.

8. Majestic Tibetan Mastiff
Majestic is a popular word for these dogs, which is totally understandable.

9. Shedding Season

10. Just Me And My Fantastic Dogs
There's so much hair in one majestic photograph.

11. All My Puppies Are Going On 11 Months Old, Hitting Another Growth Spurt. Here's Dorje With His Fully Grown Tervuren Sister

12. My Friend Doesn’t Know How To Share

13. Dancing With Tibetan Mastiff
So elegant, floating like a fluffy loaf of pupper love.

14. Tibetan Mastiff

15. Majestic Tibetan Mastiff
Heckin' Majestic, seriously.

16. Car Full Of Love And Big Boys
Please, drive my way.

17. Look At Them, So Adorable
OH STOP, this is too cute???

18. Little Pup
SMOL BOI, I love him.

19. Walked Well And Received Compliments
I'm legitimately impressed.

20. Mastiff From China

21. I’m Greeting This Week With A Smile
A beautiful smile.

22. Dad And Son Time
225/10, very good dad boi.

23. Say Cheese
In case you weren't sure, yes, they are super silly doggos.

24. Tibetan Mastiff Bodyguard
The baby is the bodyguard. (Just kidding.)

25. Stop Norbu, Stop Being So Cute. My Heart Can't Take It
I'm literally melting from cuteness.

26. Tibetan Mastiff
Very big, very good boi.

27. Mastiff And Me
They could be cousins.

28. Memories. Tibetan Mastiff

29. Yummy
Big doggo mlem.

So, what do you think of these majestic dogs? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends!