Reddit User Called Out For Throwing Away Dog Poop In Public Trash Can

OP tried throwing away dog poop but a lady didn't like that.

Reddit User Called Out For Throwing Away Dog Poop In Public Trash Can

So, rewind about a year ago when OP was strolling along, casually walking their furry friend. Now, the dog had already done its business, and as responsible dog owners do, OP was about to toss the little package into a nearby trash can. Simple, right?

Enter the lady on the bench. She's just chilling, minding her own business, or so you'd think. With a tone that could turn ice into popsicles, she declares, "Don't throw his poop away here."

A bit perplexed, OP does what anyone would - they ask why. And you won't believe her response: "Because I don't like it." Yes, you heard that right. The dog poop disposal saga begins.

Back and forth, words ping-pong between OP and the bench-sitting lady. And, oh boy, things escalate. She raises her voice, probably startling a pigeon or two, and drops the bombshell - "Can't you read the sign?" Now, OP's patience is tested, but instead of backing down, they decide to assert their perspective.

Annoyance takes the lead, and in a move that's part defiant and part just wanting to finish the task, OP tosses the doggy package into the trash can. The lady's reaction? Well, let's just say it's not a round of applause. Choice words fly, and it's not exactly the harmonious symphony you'd find in a public park.

Now, let's take a breather and examine the situation. On the one hand, there's OP, a dog owner simply looking to dispose of their dog's waste in the most logical place - a public trash can. On the other hand, there's the bench-sitting lady who takes issue with this poop-pitching endeavor for reasons known only to her.

As with most stories, there's more to it than meets the eye. OP lives in a dog-loving zone, a place where four-legged friends roam freely, and poop bags are a common accessory.

And here's the kicker - the very trash can that triggered this whole fiasco already held a collection of doggie deposits. It's a case of "doggy déjà vu," if you will.

OP never really forgot about this happening to them

OP never really forgot about this happening to themReddit

OP was walking their dog and as usual, the dog conducted his business

OP was walking their dog and as usual, the dog conducted his businessReddit

The lady wasn't happy with the fact that OP tried throwing away the poop

The lady wasn't happy with the fact that OP tried throwing away the poopReddit

The lady had some insults for OP, too

The lady had some insults for OP, tooReddit

OP feels like there's a chance that they were in the wrong

OP feels like there's a chance that they were in the wrongReddit

Obviously, OP believes that they have the right to use a public trash can

Obviously, OP believes that they have the right to use a public trash canReddit

OP's boyfriend thought the situation was funny and nothing more

OP's boyfriend thought the situation was funny and nothing moreReddit

Who knew there was trash in a trash can?

Who knew there was trash in a trash can?Reddit

The lady left other Redditors confused as well

The lady left other Redditors confused as wellReddit

Public trash can police

Public trash can policeReddit

Here's the real question: Was OP the bad guy in this tale? Could they have simply taken a deep breath, smiled through gritted teeth, and walked on, saving the dog's doings for a different garbage bin a few blocks away? Well, that's where the dilemma lies.

OP has the right to use a public trash can for its intended purpose. After all, that's what they're there for, and in the grand scheme of things, tossing a sealed bag of doggy business seems pretty benign.
