These 40 “Things Only Get Weirder” Pictures Will Get You More Confused The More You Look At Them

"For weird people by weird people. From the beautiful to the macabre and all sorts of strangeness in between."

These 40 “Things Only Get Weirder” Pictures Will Get You More Confused The More You Look At Them

If you believe you’ve seen everything on the internet, you haven’t even begun to scratch the surface. Always, the internet has been a completely different world, and you never know what to expect.

Is it pictures with a lot going on? Or most likely random images that are completely senseless? Definitely!

However, another kind of picture has seen tremendous growth in recent years due to its capacity to entertain us while simultaneously leaving us bewildered and perplexed. Things Only Get Weirder is a distinctive corner of the virtual world that we’re bringing to you today.

According to the description by the page’s founder, Brian Coffin, this Facebook page is the location, “for weird people, by weird people. From the beautiful to the macabre and all sorts of strangeness in between.”

The social media project is here to show you just how deep a picture can confuse you, and it certainly delivers as it has over 250k followers. There is a lot to learn from these images, and the more time you spend looking, the crazier it becomes.

These pictures from the “Things Only Get Weirder” page demonstrate how the internet is a limitless well of bizarre facts that encourage us to spend hours trying to figure out what we’re seeing. So keep scrolling to experience a crazy voyage down to some of the most bizarre items you’ll likely see all day.

1. Really?

1. Really?ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

2. Now how do we explain this?

2. Now how do we explain this?ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

3. Interesting to know

3. Interesting to knowThingsOnlyGetWeirder

4. What the heck...

4. What the heck...ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

5. Scary but cute

5. Scary but cuteThingsOnlyGetWeirder

6. Jack is missing

6. Jack is missingThingsOnlyGetWeirder

7. In all, I'm just tired

7. In all, I'm just tiredThingsOnlyGetWeirder

8. I think this is brilliant

8. I think this is brilliantThingsOnlyGetWeirder

9. No freaking way!!!

9. No freaking way!!!ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

10. This car is definitely not the kind of thing we want here

10. This car is definitely not the kind of thing we want hereThingsOnlyGetWeirder

11. Someone should explain how a cat is in this picture?

11. Someone should explain how a cat is in this picture?ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

12. No way

12. No wayThingsOnlyGetWeirder

13. Accurate shot

13. Accurate shotThingsOnlyGetWeirder

14. What the problem?

14. What the problem?ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

15. I'm terrified of the mascot

15. I'm terrified of the mascotThingsOnlyGetWeirder

16. I doubt it though

16. I doubt it thoughThingsOnlyGetWeirder

17. It has been alienated

17. It has been alienatedThingsOnlyGetWeirder

18. Do you want to experience Cornelius?

18. Do you want to experience Cornelius?ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

19. Not again...

19. Not again...ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

20. What happened to the legs though???

20. What happened to the legs though???ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

21. So it says

21. So it saysThingsOnlyGetWeirder

22. Terrible even

22. Terrible evenThingsOnlyGetWeirder

23. No, thanks...

23. No, thanks...ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

24. And the winner gets to see grandma!!!

24. And the winner gets to see grandma!!!ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

25. The reason for this gathering is very clear

25. The reason for this gathering is very clearThingsOnlyGetWeirder

26. This is deeply confusing

26. This is deeply confusingThingsOnlyGetWeirder

27. Oh no...

27. Oh no...ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

28. Don't even ask

28. Don't even askThingsOnlyGetWeirder

29. When you love your new state..

29. When you love your new state..ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

30. Can someone explain what's going on here???

30. Can someone explain what's going on here???ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

31. If this is fashion, then it's disturbing

31. If this is fashion, then it's disturbingThingsOnlyGetWeirder

32. It's the caption at the bottom for me

32. It's the caption at the bottom for meThingsOnlyGetWeirder

33. I'm ready to burst in all directions

33. I'm ready to burst in all directionsThingsOnlyGetWeirder

34. It's all in the family pack

34. It's all in the family packThingsOnlyGetWeirder

35. It definitely get weirder from here

35. It definitely get weirder from hereThingsOnlyGetWeirder,

36. Trying to drown your demons

36. Trying to drown your demonsThingsOnlyGetWeirder

37. This is a scary moment

37. This is a scary momentThingsOnlyGetWeirder

38. The Riddler's elevator

38. The Riddler's elevatorThingsOnlyGetWeirder

39. Hmm...

39. Hmm...ThingsOnlyGetWeirder

40. Eventually

40. EventuallyThingsOnlyGetWeirder

The more you look into this collection of images, the more intrigued you seem to become. What possible reason can you have for not wanting to view a huge flamingo sculpture in the midst of an airport?

Or a scary-looking mascot? Our curiosity and desire to stretch the bounds of our imagination fuel our desire to grasp the significance behind these instances.
