15 Details In 'The Incredibles' That Prove It Is Indeed The Most Incredible Pixar Film Of All Time

A genius movie with genius details.

  • Published in Disney
15 Details In 'The Incredibles' That Prove It Is Indeed The Most Incredible Pixar Film Of All Time

Whatever you may think or say, "The Incredibles" was truly a cultural reset. Even when the sequel came in 14 laters late, people of all ages still anticipated its return—because that's how iconic it was for an animated film.

Well, it's a work of Pixar, and that alone says everything. Even when the first movie was released back in 2004, it significantly became a huge success and a standout even when other iconic animated films have been released in the same year, including Disney's Home on the Range and even Shark Tale.

That being said, Pixar has its own catalog of excellent animated films, which include the ever dashing movie of "Cars" (2006) and the elegantly executed "Ratatouille" in 2007, but even more than a decade later, "The Incredibles" has remained in the hearts of the people whose childhoods were spruced up by this animated film. When the movie was first released, the studio was already at that point in their success that they didn't even need to splurge a hefty amount for advertising for the craze to happen all over the world.

The moment that a movie had the word "Pixar" on it, it's guaranteed that it's going to be a hit and with The Incredibles, that certainly proved to be true. Kids and parents have already grown up with their classics like "Toy Story" (1995) and "Monsters, Inc." (2001) and they all believed that Pixar will always deliver the same kind of quality and content as they did for their past few films.

Now, more than a decade later, everyone is still fawning over Pixar's works such as "Coco" in 2017, and "Inside Out" in 2015. Not only that their stories are a real tear-jerker even if you watch it as a grown person, but the amount of effort it took to create these movies is also certainly one of the best ingredients this studio has for their success.

If there's one thing that Pixar is now notoriously known for, it's their amazing attention to detail all throughout their movies. People even unearth details that they have missed the first time they watched these movies, even if they only discovered it more than ten years later!

Now, let's dive deep into the iconic "The Incredibles" and the details you may have missed while watching it!

1. The superheroes who all sat in the second row of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl's wedding were the ones who died.

1. The superheroes who all sat in the second row of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl's wedding were the ones who died.

2. The phone number on this business card is 866-787-7476, which spells out SUPRHRO when pushed on a keypad.

2. The phone number on this business card is 866-787-7476, which spells out SUPRHRO when pushed on a keypad.

3. Mr. Incredible mistakenly calls Incrediboy as Brodie, a reference to Jason Lee's character in Mallrats.

3. Mr. Incredible mistakenly calls Incrediboy as Brodie, a reference to Jason Lee's character in Mallrats.

4. In "Ratatouille", Bomb Voyage can be seen at the end of the film.

4. In

5. This two random old men shown at the end of the movie are a homage to Disney's animating legends Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, who voiced the characters in the movie.

5. This two random old men shown at the end of the movie are a homage to Disney's animating legends Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, who voiced the characters in the movie.

6. The date on the newspaper seals the debate of when the movie takes place, as it clearly says May 16, 1962.

6. The date on the newspaper seals the debate of when the movie takes place, as it clearly says May 16, 1962.

7. Doc Hudson from "Cars" has a cameo in this fight scene between the Incredibles and the Omnidroid.

7. Doc Hudson from

8. In this scene, Bob reads an article in a newspaper which states that Simon J. Paladino is missing—the secret identity of Gazerbeam.

8. In this scene, Bob reads an article in a newspaper which states that Simon J. Paladino is missing—the secret identity of Gazerbeam.

9. The holdup scene in the movie parallels to this particular scene in Die Hard with a Vengeance, which Samuel L. Jackson also starred in.

9. The holdup scene in the movie parallels to this particular scene in Die Hard with a Vengeance, which Samuel L. Jackson also starred in.

10. A Mr. Incredible Pez dispenser can be found in one of the items that this robber dumped out.

10. A Mr. Incredible Pez dispenser can be found in one of the items that this robber dumped out.

11. Frozone's lips look dry in this scene where he is attempting to take a drink of water because of dehydration.

11. Frozone's lips look dry in this scene where he is attempting to take a drink of water because of dehydration.

12. When Mr. Huph (Bob's boss) is sharpening his pencil, the pencil reads "Your Life is in our Hands" on the side.

12. When Mr. Huph (Bob's boss) is sharpening his pencil, the pencil reads

13. Outside of the movie "The Incredibles", this scene in "Finding Nemo" shows a boy reading a Mr. Incredible comic book.

13. Outside of the movie

14. In this scene, Elastigirl begins to realize that they are about to be hit by the debris falling on them by seeing its reflection in the water.

14. In this scene, Elastigirl begins to realize that they are about to be hit by the debris falling on them by seeing its reflection in the water.

15. In this scene which features Mr. Incredible and Frozone listening to the police scanner, there are signs on the walls that read "Andy's Restaurant" which is a nod to their character Andy from Toy Story, and "Luxo's Deli", which is the iconic Pixar lamp.

15. In this scene which features Mr. Incredible and Frozone listening to the police scanner, there are signs on the walls that read

You can always count on good ol' Pixar for these amazing details on their animated films. Who knows how many more details we have missed throughout the years?

Which one is your favorite detail and which are your favorite Pixar movies? Comment down your thoughts below, or share this for all your family and friends to see!
