Things We Need To Thank History's Feminists For Since Women Can Now Do All Of These Things
See the work of the feminist movement in poster form...

International Women's Day opens a new, fresh, dialogue each year to talk about the rights of women. Of where they once where, how far they've come, and where they are today.
To discuss where women are today in the workplace, in the home, as mothers, as wives, as professionals - as whatever they want to be. This year, an online community known as the School Of Feminism has illustrated the journey that the feminist movement has travelled in allowing women to have the rights they have today.
By releasing a series of beautifully bold posters, the School Of Feminism has created an amazing and informative display of art and power - one worth showing your daughters.
For sport...

For education...

For suffrage...

For employment...

For choice in marriage...

For military service...

For financial independence...

For same-sex and heterosexual marriage...

For justice...

For being able to feed our babies...

For loans...

For the right to work...

For literature....

For choice...

For periods...

For justice... again....

For political representation...


For modesty, or immodesty... or anything in between!

For property ownership...

For choice - again!
