Text Scammer Gets Shamed Into Silence And It's Hilariously Creative How He Does It
Moral of the story: Stop being so shady!

Internet scams are the bane of the Internet's existence.
It seems that literally since the dawn of the world wide web someone has been trying to scam someone else. The scams have evolved over the years, from Nigerian princes in our email inboxes to being catfished. It is a constant annoyance, and save for some particularly vulnerable populations, most of us just ignore them and move on with our lives.
This person, however, did not. The scammer had all the classic signs: terrible English, a fake looking picture of a hot girl, and a pressing need for someone else's personal information. This guy pushed back and the results are hilarious.
It starts out pretty innocently

Vague, but okay.

An innocent mistake maybe?

Ah. Here we go.

Brilliant response!

Pictured: A stolen FB photo

Spoiler alert: She did not

Protip: If you want to convince someone you aren't a scammer, definitely tell them you aren't fake when they never questioned your authenticity.

She promised you guys!

She's all for inclusiveness

Gotta be a laser proof environment

Two very different options...which will she choose?

Combo email and text scam!

A very clear message he's sending here

She tries one more time, but he comes back with a glorious illustration

And stuns her into silence!

Wonderfully evil!


Didn't think that one through did you?



A more hardcore approach
