21 Examples Of Disgusting Text Messages Men Had The Audacity To Send To Women

Men need to chill.

  • Published in Funny
21 Examples Of Disgusting Text Messages Men Had The Audacity To Send To Women

Let's face facts: women receive some pretty wild messages from men on a daily basis, it is something that a lot of women eventually got used to since it happens so frequently. It usually starts with the guy trying to initiate the conversation with a "hey" or something very generic, and after a while, if the girl does not reply, the mood immediately changes, and the insults start pouring in.

It seems like a lot of guys nowadays have no idea how to talk to women, they either go way small with a generic greeting or they skip a thousand steps and go straight to the sexual stuff. I personally blame the internet and the anonymity it offers to people, no one would dare to say such things in a face-to-face conversation, because they would have to hear themselves say those things out loud.

The women in the screenshots below felt compelled to share the text conversations they had with some "special" men who were supposedly attempting to seduce them with their smooth communication skills. These texts will make you lose faith in humanity because if people like this exist in real life, I do not want to live on this planet anymore.

1. When you barely speak English but want nudes.

1. When you barely speak English but want nudes.byefelipe

2. How is he texting if he is that tiny.

2. How is he texting if he is that tiny.byefelipe

3. The world is a scary place and you can't trust people bro.

3. The world is a scary place and you can't trust people bro.byefelipe

4. I hope they do because this guy certainly needs it.

4. I hope they do because this guy certainly needs it.byefelipe

5. She has five judges and all.

5. She has five judges and all.byefelipe

6. This guy is pretty much a lost cause

6. This guy is pretty much a lost causebyefelipe

7. Perfect answer to a perfectly inappropriate question.

7. Perfect answer to a perfectly inappropriate question.byefelipe

8. I can't believe people like this exist in real life.

8. I can't believe people like this exist in real life. byefelipe

9. Confusion works almost every time.

9. Confusion works almost every time.byefelipe

10. Why would you say that to someone you do not even know.

10. Why would you say that to someone you do not even know.byefelipe

11. Did he really think that was going to be a good opener...

11. Did he really think that was going to be a good opener...byefelipe

12. His technique is just spamming a bunch of women with this garbage. Truly sad.

12. His technique is just spamming a bunch of women with this garbage. Truly sad.byefelipe

13. He should be impressed with her photoshop skills.

13. He should be impressed with her photoshop skills.byefelipe

14. He literally admitted it, Jesus Christ

14. He literally admitted it, Jesus Christbyefelipe

15. Whatever you have, just leak it.

15. Whatever you have, just leak it.byefelipe

16. We are all laughing at the message now

16. We are all laughing at the message nowbyefelipe

17. Maybe you are the problem dude.

17. Maybe you are the problem dude.byefelipe

18. That is definitely not the answer he wanted to hear

18. That is definitely not the answer he wanted to hearbyefelipe

19. Congratulations, you played yourself

19. Congratulations, you played yourselfbyefelipe

20. He did not want to take the hint.

20. He did not want to take the hint.byefelipe

21. You said trade pics and that's exactly what she did.

21. You said trade pics and that's exactly what she did.byefelipe

Receiving texts message like these would seriously make you want to consider quitting social media altogether. Some of these men are constantly sending these messages to random women in the hopes that maybe one of them will play along.

This means that any one of these guys must have contacted hundreds of other women, and these are the only ones who decide to post about it. I hope they invent a filter in the future that blocks all the creeps and prevents them from sending their creepy text to women.

That would make the world a much better and cleaner place.
