Russian Fisherman Posts 30 Pictures Of Terrifying Deep-Sea Creatures That'll Haunt Your Memories For A Long Time
I almost threw up and then I literally did. Some of these creatures are so horrifying, I would've never imagined they existed.

There are many creatures hiding in the sea, and we already know this. Although we've never seen the Loch Ness Monster, the Kraken, or the mermaids, some people claim to have seen them.
Mother Nature has so many secrets that it'll take us a lifetime to explore, uncover, and understand. So, could that mean that maybe the Loch Ness Monster, mermaids, and Kraken exist, but they're too deep for humans to explore?
Maybe, maybe not. Knowing that these creatures exist would make life pretty risky though, don't you think?
I mean, discovering winged unicorns or a family of fairies would be less traumatizing than discovering vampires, dragons, mermaids, and stuff. Just imagine what headlines would be like!
I can be creative with titles, but let's not go down the rabbit hole. Coming back to our post, it would be nearly impossible for humans to discover all of Mother Nature's creatures.
I mean, think about it. A solid 71% of the Earth's surface is covered with water, so naturally, there are more than just blue whales swimming in there. Sure we're exploring outer space and all, but did you know that 80% of Earth's waters are unexplored and unmapped?
There's so much to uncover on Earth, but sadly it would take one ship about 200 years to chart oceans. However, do not despair!
We don't have to wait 200 years to see some of the wildest, weirdest and terrifying creatures of the deep sea. Russian deep-sea fisherman Roman Fedortsov makes the craziest deep-sea discoveries, but we've got to thank him for it.
The deep-sea creatures you're about to see are horrifying and will most likely haunt you for a little while, but they also have an element of mystery and magic to them.
1. Here's a Haddock and what in the world.

2. Here's Liparis, a well-groomed and cute little fish. It's smiling too.

3. Here's another Wolffish.

4. Kinda cute, but not today.

5. Meet Allionymus Lyra, a fish worthy of a ball.

6. Here's Redfish which is also called, Rockfish or Ocean Perch.

7. Looks like the juiciest donut only the most-expensive restaurant would sell.

8. This is 50% cute and 50% terrifying.

9. Meet the Gorgonocephalus.

10. Here's a baby Dementor...

11. Fish Inception. I can't even.

12. This fish looks a little like Bane's breathing mask.

13. Here's what looks like a cheeseburger with teeth, or a meth addicted clam. You pick.

14. Meet the Sea Anemones that look like shocked mushrooms with eyes.

15. All this tired Arctic Skate needs now is a hot cup of coffee.

16. Here are Anemones sticking around...

17. Here's the Eye of Sauron.

18. Here's Sclerocrangon Ferox with marbles for eyes.

19. Here's Leatherfin Lumpsucker. Wonder who came up with the name.

20. These are starfish that look like cookies.

21. Another one of Darth Vader's fish pets. Reminds me of those little devices you use to remove staple pins...

22. Here's Darth Vader's pet fish - the deep-sea angler.

23. Here's an interesting fish. Let's call him Zoidberg.

24. Nope, not today.

25. Here's Halibut, a fish who came straight out of the Simpson's show that showed radioactive fishes.

26. Here's your nightmare served with extra legs.

27. Here's a judgy cute fish that looks like a bearded dragon.

28. Here's a fed up Cuttlefish. Hello Davy Jones.

29. Here's Wolffish that also goes by the name Sea Wolves or Wolf Eel.

30. Here's Falcor's cousin.

In Summary...
I don't know about you, but I feel pretty itchy all over my body. Is it just me or are these creatures extremely itch-inducing?
Jokes aside, these deep-sea creatures look much better when they're alive and thriving. Here's to Fedortsov for discovering these mysterious creatures and sharing his discoveries with the world.
