Sarcastic Life Hacks That Have No Particular Reason To Exist

What's the point of any of these? They aren't helpful but they sure do provide some entertainment

  • Published in Funny
Sarcastic Life Hacks That Have No Particular Reason To Exist

Every now and then a life hack video will show up on my YouTube feed and a thought pops into my head: does anyone actually find these useful in their everyday lives? A lot of newer life hacks are often known for being hilarious but useless or fake. As a response of sorts, many people have created their own satirical life tips to mock the existing ones.

Be warned, because these are pretty terrible and should be taken only as jokes. Just leaving that as a disclaimer in case anyone wants to actually attempt dipping their contact lenses into coffee. Enjoy!

Efficient storage method:

Efficient storage method:

The best diet food.

The best diet food.

This image has an incomprehensible amount of chaotic energy.

This image has an incomprehensible amount of chaotic energy.

Denny's, please:

Denny's, please:

Just looking at this image is painful.

Just looking at this image is painful.

Ah, the key to infinite power.

Ah, the key to infinite power.

How to magnify your screen:

How to magnify your screen:

Finally, a solution to cold coffee!

Finally, a solution to cold coffee!

Can you imagine being in this bathroom?

Can you imagine being in this bathroom?

Boom. Instant table.

Boom. Instant table.

Need a convenient substitution for human touch? Try a bean-filled glove!

Need a convenient substitution for human touch? Try a bean-filled glove!

I finally understand everything.

I finally understand everything.

Wrapping your entire face up in saran wrap will ensure that those pesky onions never make you cry again

Wrapping your entire face up in saran wrap will ensure that those pesky onions never make you cry again