This Teen Wants To Know If It's Wrong To Lock Their Door At Night So They Can Sleep Without Being Woken Up

This teenager decided to lock their doors at night so that their mom doesn't wake them up at 4:30am.

This Teen Wants To Know If It's Wrong To Lock Their Door At Night So They Can Sleep Without Being Woken Up

Sleep is a very important aspect of life and sometimes people really don't understand how much sleep affects their daily lives, but it is really the biggest part of making sure we are healthy and in the right headspace. The saying "early bird gets the worm" is being put to the test in this scenario.

I remember what it's like to have to wake up for school every day and I know now that every minute of sleep matters, so sometimes getting an extra few minutes or an hour of sleep really does make the difference. I think we're right there with this person in saying we'd do a lot just to get a little extra sleep in the morning.

For this teenager, they were so tired of their mom waking them up at 4:30 AM for school that doesn't start until 7:15 AM so they decided to do something about it. They've come to Reddit on the "AITA" thread to ask if they are in the wrong for locking their door so their mom couldn't wake them up at 4:30 AM.

We're going to dive into this situation to see why she locked her door and also see the responses that she got from Reddit.

This teenager explains the situation on when and why the mom wakes them up early in the morning.

This teenager explains the situation on when and why the mom wakes them up early in the morning.dezzmuchado

They explain what happens when their mom comes in to wake them.

They explain what happens when their mom comes in to wake them.dezzmuchado

The mom wakes up her kids early in the morning because she believes it is best for them. She feels that they will be able to get more out of the day if they start it earlier. Additionally, she believes that it will help them avoid getting too tired later on in the day.

The mom wakes up her kids early in the morning because she believes it is best for them. She feels that they will be able to get more out of the day if they start it earlier. Additionally, she believes that it will help them avoid getting too tired later on in the day.dezzmuchado

The teenager decided to take matters into their own hands and lock their door, so that mom can't come in and wake them.

The teenager decided to take matters into their own hands and lock their door, so that mom can't come in and wake them.dezzmuchado

The mothers response was not unexpected.

The mothers response was not unexpected.dezzmuchado

This is an update in response to some of the Reddit comments left on this post.

This is an update in response to some of the Reddit comments left on this post.dezzmuchado

First comment to start things off and they say that they are NTA.

First comment to start things off and they say that they are NTA.MsB0x

Definitely think that saying that they "cut off communication" is inaccurate.

Definitely think that saying that they TahiniInMyVeins

Yes, sleep is extremely important.

Yes, sleep is extremely important.thatbikerchick51

I don't think that 4:30 AM is a reasonable time to start your day by any means.

I don't think that 4:30 AM is a reasonable time to start your day by any means.TrustedTriangle

4:30 AM just isn't a necessary wake up time if you don't have anywhere to be yet.

4:30 AM just isn't a necessary wake up time if you don't have anywhere to be yet.Deep_Ad_9889

This is definitely weird parent controlling behavior.

This is definitely weird parent controlling behavior.Johoski

You can't change whether or not someone is an early bird.

You can't change whether or not someone is an early bird.False-Explanation702

It's definitely more important to get enough sleep rather than just achieving to be an "early bird."

It's definitely more important to get enough sleep rather than just achieving to be an daididge

I agree, keep locking your door.

I agree, keep locking your door.SimplySam4210

Sleep deprivation is not okay and this is a good note about the child services.

Sleep deprivation is not okay and this is a good note about the child services.EatsFacesForBrunch

A perspective on how to play back.

A perspective on how to play back.skittlzz_23

You honestly can't really change the circadian rhythm.

You honestly can't really change the circadian rhythm.KaliTheBlaze

Pay back is good.

Pay back is good.Mogus0226

She's definitely being controlling.

She's definitely being controlling.AaronDonald-Dad

Reddit always seems to have interesting stories from people, but this one was definitely a bit uncalled for. It seems that everyone in the comments of this post seems to agree that this teenager is NTA and I think we can all agree on this.

What do you think about this situation? Was the teenager out of line or was the mom out of line?
