Memes For Parents That Have Teenage Girls That Are So Relatable

If you're raising teenagers, good on you. If you're raising teenage girls, good luck.

  • Published in Funny
Memes For Parents That Have Teenage Girls That Are So Relatable

Girls. They're hard work. As babies, they cry and poop a lot, as toddlers they'll have you saying "what the heck?" and as pre-teens, you'll for sure be met with the attitude of a small yet eternally angry tiger. But never the less everyone loves their kids, and even if they get on every last nerve you have sometimes there's always days they make you smile more than anything else.

Forgetting those amazing times for right now here's a bunch of memes to help you through the long days of drama, tears, tantrums, and moodiness. Buckle up because the teenage years are the hardest years yet, and you're going to need all the strength you can muster. Good luck.





The comfort wine, the comfort food, the comfort naps...

 The comfort wine, the comfort food, the comfort naps...

Still too close.

 Still too close.

How do you like it now!?

 How do you like it now!?

Aww she's ahead for her age!

 Aww she's ahead for her age!

They're all thieves!

 They're all thieves!

Sometimes you just have to.

 Sometimes you just have to.

Drama. Their whole life is just drama.

 Drama. Their whole life is just drama.

RIP my sanity

 RIP my sanity

Mwahahaha HAHAHAHA

 Mwahahaha HAHAHAHA

"Next time I will turn on the sprinkler. Sleep well!"

Now you can REALLY see what that dress looks like!

 Now you can REALLY see what that dress looks like!


 I can HEAR YOU!

Like I said... Good luck.

 Like I said... Good luck.

Save your sanity, hire a tutor.

 Save your sanity, hire a tutor.

And good luck to you too my sweet daughter.

 And good luck to you too my sweet daughter.