Teenage Boy Asks If He's An A**Hole For Rejecting His Father Who Was Never There For Him

Although his father has been trying harder than ever, it just isn't enough to mend their relationship.

Teenage Boy Asks If He's An A**Hole For Rejecting His Father Who Was Never There For Him

Family relationships can be complicated at the best of times, but when times get tough, the cracks can really start to show. And when families are broken up, it can be nearly impossible to put them back together.

A 17-year-old Reddit user recently shared his story to the AITA (Am I The A**Hole?) subreddit. He explained that his father had left him, his sister, and their mother many years earlier.

The Redditor shared that his mother and sister tragically died in a car accident when he was 13. At that time, he went to live with some extended family members until his father decided he would fight for him.

A legal battle ensued, and a judge ruled that the OP should go to live with his father. But, although his father has been trying harder than ever, it just isn't enough to mend their relationship.

Our OP explained that he doesn't get along with his step-siblings, who constantly try to make him feel guilty for rejecting his father. When his father recently asked him to go on a fishing trip with him, the Redditor said no.

His step-siblings yelled at him and called him names, which is when our OP lost it and told them to STFU (understandably). But now he wants to know if he's wrong for reacting the way he did.

As always, the Reddit community had plenty to say about our OP's situation. Keep scrolling to read the story in full and find out how people reacted.

The teenager asked if he was an a**hole for rejecting his father and step-siblings.

The teenager asked if he was an a**hole for rejecting his father and step-siblings.Reddit/Lazy-Ad8895

He explained that his father had left him, his sister, and their mother many years earlier.

The Redditor shared that his mother and sister tragically died in a car accident when he was 13. At that time, he went to live with some extended family members until his father decided he would fight for him.

He explained that his father had left him, his sister, and their mother many years earlier.Reddit/Lazy-Ad8895

Our OP explained that he doesn't get along with his step-siblings, who constantly try to make him feel guilty for rejecting his father.

Our OP explained that he doesn't get along with his step-siblings, who constantly try to make him feel guilty for rejecting his father.Reddit/Lazy-Ad8895

When his father recently asked him to go on a fishing trip with him, the Redditor said no.

When his father recently asked him to go on a fishing trip with him, the Redditor said no.Reddit/Lazy-Ad8895

His step-siblings yelled at him and called him names, which is when our OP lost it and told them to STFU (understandably). But now he wants to know if he's wrong for reacting the way he did.

His step-siblings yelled at him and called him names, which is when our OP lost it and told them to STFU (understandably). But now he wants to know if he's wrong for reacting the way he did.Reddit/Lazy-Ad8895

Not long after posting his story, the teenager posted an update saying things were not going well between his father and step-family.

Not long after posting his story, the teenager posted an update saying things were not going well between his father and step-family.Reddit/Lazy-Ad8895

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Reddit/EggplantWild8849

"You can never win."


"If your dad wanted to be a dad to you, he would have never abandoned you guys in the first place."


Government benefits?

Government benefits?Reddit/Milli-Tia-

"He wasn't there for you."


"You don't owe him anything."


"Leave at 18 as you planned."


"You are justified in how you feel."


Let's hope the time goes quickly!

Let's hope the time goes quickly!Reddit/ActuallyParsley

"Leave when you can."


"Your dad is so selfish."


"I'm sorry for your situation."


"I'm glad to hear that your family supports you."


What about child support?

What about child support?Reddit/UnicornCackle

Things will get better.

Things will get better.Reddit/crazycatgal1984

"He never acted as a father to you."




"He knows he's a bad father."


They have "no emotional intelligence."

They have Reddit/Cankles4U

"The only reason your father is in your life is because your mother died."


What's your take on this Redditor's situation? Do you think he's being unreasonable, or do you think he's well within his rights to feel the way he does about his father and step-family?

It's a challenging position for any young man to be put in. But after losing his mother and sister, and after already being abandoned by his father once, it's understandable that our OP would have some pretty heavy feelings to process.

We would love to hear your opinions on this. Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.
