Teacher Goes Against School's Principal After The Latter Gave The Students Mugs Instead Of A $15 Refund For A Canceled School Movie Day
The teacher said she can write a book of all the atrocities that happened that week if she were to detail the fiasco

If you pay for a service or a good that is not delivered under the agreed-upon terms, you are entitled to a refund. This is a common understanding in most businesses, but pulling this card is unusual in a school setting.
A Florida Title 1 school teacher recently shared a frustrating occurrence on the Am I The A**hole subreddit. She posted a summary of how their school's principal gave 80 students mugs instead of a $15 refund for a canceled school activity.
OP shared that it would have been more appropriate to write an essay to retell the frustrating turn of events, but her short post was enough to irritate Redditors on her behalf. Their school hosted an 8th Grade Week where students are expected to pay to participate in their chosen activities.
Title 1 Schools mostly cater to students from impoverished families. Right off the bat, requiring students to pay for activities is not a great idea.
The OP took an issue with one particular activity: Movie Day. For $15, the students can watch a movie in the school's auditorium with some snacks included.
80 students signed up for the film viewing. Unfortunately, Movie Day was canceled at the last minute.
Their district failed to inform school administrators on time that their movie choice was not approved. The school promised the students that their $15 will be refunded.
To OP's shock, the principal handed out tumbler mugs instead of the promised $15 refund

OP expressed her opposition to the principal's sneaky move

OP continues:

She said the students and their parents prefer the mug over the money anyway. The principal reasoned that any parent who found an issue with it should call her to ask for their money back.

The school failed to deliver on the service their students paid for, the correct thing to do would have been to refund them immediately

$15 can mean the difference between starving and a meal for people who are living below the poverty line

Refunding would be best but the principal could have at least consulted with the parents if they want a redo of the activity or have their hard-earned money returned to them

OP can look into the agreement and see if the principal broke other clauses of the licensing contract

A Redditor pointed out the Title 1 School funding administrators are strict about charging students money for activities

The principal is in big trouble. It's why she's doing her best to make OP believe that this is a non-issue.

This is a hill to die on, OP

This detail can prove to be useful if/when OP needs it

She is not stealing from faceless people. She is stealing from students and their families. The students who she's supposed to be protecting.

What in the world is a Game Truck Day and why does it cost $25?

They need to make the parents aware that a refund is being processed because this is theft in broad daylight

$1,200 is a lot of money to just disappear with no trace

OP should keep talking about all of "mistakes" (see: crimes) that happened that week

They weren't even new tumblers intended for the event?

Paper-trail is OP's new best friend

That's a quick call for OP to make. No trouble at all.

Looks like OP is not letting this issue go

A Redditor warned OP against any potential retaliation from the school principal

OP's armed and ready to face the principal

Do you think the principal spent the money elsewhere, as some Redditors believe? She must have because she's so adamant against refunding the students.
$1,200 is not an insignificant amount of money, and for the principal to think it's not a big deal that it just disappeared is highly suspicious. We are on the lookout for any articles or interviews that OP may give in the future, just in case the principal didn't wise up.
